During labour my bladder stoped working. This had happened in my previous labour so I knew what was wrong early on and flagged it but they would not put a catheter in due to risk of infection. I kept asking & asking as the hours went by but nothing done. Consequently when my bladder eventually was drained there were 2 litres of water. Post delivery I have not been able to pee so have returned home for a week to go back and try again. This next time I also failed so have been referred to a urologist. However that appointment is in 6 weeks time & in that time they have me using a leg bag at night & a flip flo valve in the day to help train my bladder. Just looking for some advice/ support from anyone ping through the same. Thanks
Looking for advice post pregnancy on ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Looking for advice post pregnancy on bladder complications.
I'm so sorry to hear your going through this, must be feeling very uncomfortable. I had a very similar situation to you. I couldn't pee either for about 6 weeks after birth had to keep having a catheter in, had to go back to hospital every so often. It was very uncomfortable and painful.Can I ask if you had an epidural or epidiotimyy
Thanks for your reply. Sorry also to hear you’ve been through this. Yes I had an epidural as had a C section. I couldn’t pee during my labour but nothing was done about it so when they put the catheter for the operation I had 2 litres of water there! So massively stretched. I’m so worried it won’t ever be the same!
I hope it will happen for you soon. The maim thing is if you feel the urge to pee but doesn't come don't force it. It will come on its own. Most cases it happens around 6 weeks after birth.
Thanks, I hope I don’t have to wait too long. It is so uncomfortable. Did you have an Epidural, C Section? I also had this in my first labour too but it was fixed after 2 weeks rest. This time they have given me a flip flo cathetar which is like a trainer valve and I’m hoping it will help. It will be three weeks this Friday.
No I didn't have a c section, I was induced very early on. I had an epidural which was topped of 4 times and also had an epiditomity but I was never told about. I only found out a few weeks later when I had my extra appointments at the hospital
They usually give you up to 6 weeks and if you still can't pass urine they will do further tests.