Just been diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 28 weeks just wondering has anyone else and what to expect?
Gestational diabetes 28 weeks - Pregnancy and Par...
Gestational diabetes 28 weeks

Hi my love... I had gestational diabetes and it was horrible to get the diagnosis. But it’s so easy to treat and you just have to be mindful of what you eat. There’s a brilliant Facebook group just for gestational mummies with such great advice, tips and it’s all positive and a great community and I can’t recommend highly enough. Try not to worry and follow the diet etc and you’ll be fine...
I had this too and was able to control it with diet for most of my pregnancy, I took Metformin for the last few weeks as it got harder to control.
I tested my blood 4 times a day, had extra scans and meetings with the diabetes team each month.
I actually found it did me a favour, I ate really well from 28 weeks and didn't gain any more weight through my pregnancy. I had been eating loads of the wrong things up to then 🙈
Hope you get on OK, best of luck
I was diagnosed earlier but knew something was up before. I was exactly the same as Seb9 but I did end up with insulin at the end. After the initial fear of diagnosis I ended up only putting on baby weight and had a healthy pregnancy and baby. M&S protein meals were so handy when I was late home from work. I still can’t believe the amount of carbs in things like fresh orange juice😮 so I’ll still mindful of what I eat now.xx
I went food shopping last night and like you said it was amazing the things that were high in carbs or things that had high sugar that you didn't think they would, i stocked up on a lot of protein to help