Gestational Diabetes (GD): I've just... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Gestational Diabetes (GD)

Albino profile image
20 Replies

I've just been diagnosed with GD, it's my first pregnancy (34 weeks) and I'm so scared and worried. I'm ready to work with the midwives and dietitians but I'm also worried about my baby.

Anyone with experience in this regard? How did it go for you?

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Albino profile image
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20 Replies
Seb9 profile image

Hi, I had gestational diabetes with both my pregnancies.

I was diagnosed at 28 weeks with my first and then at my booking in appointment at 8 weeks with my 2nd. I think if we were going to have a third, I wouldn't use a pregnancy test, just my diabetes monitor 🤦

With my first I managed with diet and exercise most of the time, but had to take Metformin towards the end.

2nd pregnancy it was harder to control so I was on insulin and Metformin most of the way through.

If you're 34 weeks already you might find that it's harder to control your blood sugars with just diet and exercise, as it does tend to get worse as pregnancy progresses, so they might offer you medication straight away.

I had inductions with both my pregnancies, because wavebands with the GD they had slow growth, they're 3 and 1 years old now.

I've have written on other GD parts on here about my diet and births etc. If you search gestational diabetes on here I've replied to quite a few posts, good luck and hope everything goes well ✌️

Albino profile image
Albino in reply to Seb9

Thanks so much Seb9, yeah I've been given Metformin to start today. I'll look out for your other posts.

Idril profile image

Hello, also was diagnosed at 33 weeks ! I was a bit shocked and now doing glucose test 4 times a week but really my level is always below the limit except 2-3 times over the last 3 weeks so I am not really convinced. Had the 36 weeks scan and all is fine, baby is normal size ! Were your level very high on your test or just above the limit ?

Seb9 profile image
Seb9 in reply to Idril

That's really different to what I had to do to check my blood sugar levels to monitor my GD. I had to test my fasting levels before I ate every morning, then an hour after every meal. How does doing a glucose test 4 times a week work? Do you have to attend the midwife for each of these tests?

Idril profile image
Idril in reply to Seb9

Yes it's what I have to do, they review once a week but they don't seem too concern actually. I change a bit my diet and have a little walk after breakfast and that seems to do the trick. They just told me afterwards that I will have to do a blood test every year. Did they check on you every day ?!

Seb9 profile image
Seb9 in reply to Idril

I was given my own blood testing kit, which had a monitor, strips and finger prick device. I had an app on my phone that connected with the monitor and hospital, they could download my blood levels and I could request that they called me if I had any problems. I had to go for regular check ups with the consultant and obstetrician once a month to check my urine, blood pressure and how my bloods looked and towards the end of my pregnancy I also had a monthly scan to check baby's weight.

I guess I don't understand how doing a glucose test 4 was a week would show how well your controlling your sugar levels, it's not something I heard about when I was pregnant, I only had to do the glucose test to confirm I had GD.

Drinking that drink 4 was a week seems. Are you in the UK? I wonder if different trusts do different things?

Idril profile image
Idril in reply to Seb9

Yes sorry, I might have explained that wrong. Like you, I have the kit and check my glucose before/after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner. I have been doing that for 3 weeks but I guess because my results are okish they just don't contact me and told me to carry on testing everyday until the birth. The measurements and weight of the baby is within normal range so far so they won't give me extra scans.

Albino profile image
Albino in reply to Idril

My level was very high on my test but I'll be starting medication today...keeping my fingers 🤞. Thanks

ThirdTimeMum profile image

hi, yes I had this in my second pregnancy. You just need to check you blood regularly and eat little and often to keep blood sugar low. My son was delivered at 37 weeks as he was large (born 9lb 2oz) but was healthy and my bloods returned to normal within a few weeks of having him. You will be monitored a lot, I had weekly scans.

Try not to worry, I can only talk for my experience but it was all okay x

Albino profile image
Albino in reply to ThirdTimeMum

Thanks so much ThirdTimeMum, this is reassuring.

MM1621 profile image

No need to be worried or scared.Been through that journey all you need is a good diet and the best thing for you would be to join Gestatational Diabetes UK which has Jo Paterson as the founder.That group was a lifeline for me.All the best..remember it will all be over soon xxx

MM1621 profile image
MM1621 in reply to MM1621

You can find the group on Facebook

I was diagnosed late at 39 weeks. It was a bit dubious because the symptoms were inconsistent by they decided in the end I did have it. My baby was fine, and not big. You will probably have a scan at 36 weeks to help work out if this might be an issue for you but right now you have a chance to back out any issues that might have been caused. Altering your diet can instantly sort your blood that goes through to the placenta. It’s honestly nothing to worry about. Either you can control it with diet or you’d need medication but hopefully the former. Although I can tell you that suddenly not being able to eat those cakes is a bit annoying 😌

Mrs_A_94 profile image


I was diagnosed at 19 weeks and managed to stay diet controlled throughout, my baby is now 4 months old.

The biggest thing that helped me was the Gestational Diabetes UK website and Facebook page. Its run by other mums that have all been through the same and the advice was invaluable.

Its full of well researched information to help you understand the diagnosis as well as a huge list of recipes that are perfect for the diet. I cannot recommend this enough!

Xdxcxf profile image


I was also diagnosed with GD as a first time mum. I remember the first conversation I had well, and it scared the life out of me. But please please don’t be worried!!

You will be closely monitored and a plus is getting extra scans to see baby more often.

There is a fab resource - Gestation diabetes UK (on both Facebook and instagram) and I can’t recommend it enough, has LOTS of information - much more than you are given through NHS dietician appt - with some lovely recipe ideas too.

Please don’t be scared by any horror stories, I went into natural labour, didn’t need any intervention and my baby was born 7lbs 4oz (not the 8lb 13oz they predicted at my last scan at 38 weeks!).

Cut out sugar, reduce your carbs but eat lots of protein and fats. Once you get your head around what you can and can’t eat it’s easy enough to manage.

Cheese, olives and sugar free jelly pots were my saviour for snacking on (so much so I can’t even look at them now 😂).

Good luck, hope everything goes well 💛

Ell493 profile image

I had it too. I wish I had done more research during pregnancy. My baby ended up in the NICU because of it. My doctor didn't even advise me to see a dietitian. I should have been reading labels on food and cutting out all added sugar. I thought I was doing fine but so much of what I was eating had added sugar and I don't even know. I also should have lowered my carbohydrates to 100 a day.

My glucose monitor was so cheap and unreliable but I didn't know it until after I had my baby. Having a faulty monitor put my baby's life at risk. I should have invested in a continuous glucose monitor. They are way better.

My best advice is to first, not blame yourself. You've done nothing wrong, it's all hormones. Secondly, take it very seriously. Babies can die or have lasting effects from it. Watching YouTube helped me a lot.

Good luck to you. I hope you do a better job than I did. 💕 I'm sure you will.

Ummo profile image

don’t panic

Look at this website

Gestational diabetes uk

It’s brilliant

I’ve had 6 babies all with gd and they were all perfectly fine

I just had number 6 on weds 9th nov 🎉🎉🎉🎉

FyMabiFyCariad profile image
FyMabiFyCariad in reply to Ummo

Oh wow! I salute you-6 babies 😍

Hello lovely women, I hope you're doing well. I am looking for 3 women with current pregnancies affected by GD. It's part of a research project focused on oral health. The study is an interview (30-60 minutes) followed by a very short questionnaire. You will be compensated with a £15 Amazon Voucher. Everything is online. Only requirements are access to a computer with Internet/iPad, based in the UK and able to speak English. Please email me on if you are interested, or reply to this thread. Thank you very much for your kind help.

CamMitch profile image

I was diagnosed with it during my last pregnancy too. I was so afraid, I cried all day long. I had a lot of support from my husband and the whole family. My doctor explained to me what gestation diabetes is and what I should do. I started to buy ozempic here to lower my blood sugar level. I follow all instructions and now I feel much better.

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