Gestational diabetes: Had blood sugar... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Gestational diabetes

yogi profile image
12 Replies

Had blood sugar test done yesterday and hospital phoned me today with results not good news I have diabetes I'm 24+2 weeks and have to go to another clinic tomorrow more time off work anyone else had this ?????

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yogi profile image
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12 Replies
gigglysheep profile image

I had to go for the OGTT the other week and I got the all clear but from asking the questions incase it came back as positive, it can be well managed and just means u monitoring urself with a finger prick test at certain times of the day, watching ur diet and avoiding sugary foods and drinks and it all goes away once baby is born.

Sorry to hear that u didnt get great news, arm urself with as many questions as u can think of for the clinic tomorrow. Write them down if u can as I know I tend to forget stuff I wanted to ask when sitting in front of a professional. Good luck xx

Choo profile image

I had GD and I felt like it was the end of the world. I cried, had panic attacks and felt quite low. I felt alone. No one else I knew had this or gone through what I was about to go through. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

I hate needles and the thought of having to do a prick test 6 times a day terrified me (hence the panic attacks). I was lucky that I was able to control my GD by diet. The prick tests got reduced to 4 times a day. It helped me to deal with my fear of needles as I had no choice but to do it for the sake of our baby.

You get more scans as they monitor how big your baby is growing, so you get to see them more! Which is always a heart warning moment. On one if the scans they picked up that my baby had a kidney problem which was only picked up due to the extra scans. Although it was upsetting it meant we could help our baby as soon as they were born. As usually the kidney problems would not have been detected until she was older meaning it would have been harder to help her. So this although bad news was a positive as it was caught early ( did mean extra scans again!)

As I was diet controlled and kept my sugar levels in the guidelines I was soon able to attend clinic every other week rather then every week. Expect a couple of high readings first while you get used to the routine. But it did teach me to eat what I needed and not more! I actually lost weight during my pregnancy, and I am sure the GD helped with this. So another positive I did not need to loose my baby weight!

Yes it does mean more time off work but your baby needs you to do this. If you do not produce enough insulin your baby will do it for you. This can lead to them having problems so your work place have to allow you to attend.

It is scary but I hope my experiences help you and show you it will be ok in the end! If you want to chat further I am on here if you need too. You are not alone it is quite common to get GD and after the birth in most cases it disappears! Mine did I am pleased to say! As long as you listen to your diabetes team you and your baby will be fine.

Jjbhb profile image
Jjbhb in reply to Choo

This is great to read, has put my mind at rest slightly. Thank you

My sister had it and like Choo said, listen to what they tell you to do, follow it and all was and is fine for her and her little girl. My niece is 3 now and is fine, my sister has had the all clear and doesn't have to be checked anymore. Don't worry, just do what's best for you and your baby.

NatalieK profile image

I had GD diagnosed at 23 weeks. I felt nervous and unsure but actually wasn't much to worry about. Eat protein instead of carbs (you still need them but just small portions) and keep away from sweet stuff. I went on insulin quickly but once you've done it for a week it feels like you've always done it.

It's a good way of not overeating and my baby was born on my due date after being induced at 6lbs 14oz. He is healthy and happy and I was back in my normal jeans 3 weeks after birth.

yogi profile image

Thanks everyone I've been to diabetic clinic today and have to do my bloods twice a day today's readings were high tho so trial and error here I come,it's not all doom and gloom as I now have 3 extra scans and consultant has said I'm not allowed to go over 38 weeks and baby is ok so far x

gigglysheep profile image
gigglysheep in reply to yogi

every cloud and its silver lining :). enjoy the extra scans, its so nice to see baby and is really heartwarming and reassuring x

bumpnumber4 profile image

I have it too, got diagnosed at 16 wks. Have to finger prick 6 times a day and inject insulin twice a day at the moment but that is likely to increase as pregnancy progresses. its not easy but you will get extra care and will get lots of help with diet etc. feel free to message me if you have any questions I can help you with xxxx

yogi profile image
yogi in reply to bumpnumber4

Hi bumbnumber4 what kind of diet u on I'm struggling to find things I want to eat x

bumpnumber4 profile image

I cant eat any sugars full stop, on all sugar free drinks, no puddings, cakes etc ever....this was not fun atall over Christmas but I really cant cope with it sends my levels way over. I have to stay as low carb as possible too as these also send levels high which is why I ended up on insulin quite quickly, not good for me or baby to not eat carbs atall so insulin it had to be. Also the carbs I do eat are better if the slower release. I cant do white bread at all, only eat wholemeal or seeded...this week tried Burgen bread for first time and that seems to be working well. Typical lunch for me is just a sandwich or beans or egg on toast. breakfast is either toast or porridge...cant do any other cereals have tried quite a few. Cheese is really good...supposedly counteracts carbs a bit too so try and eat cheese which as much as I can. Proteins are all ok so meats, cheeses, eggs are good foods. Omlettes work really well no sugars or carbs. Snacks are really hard......tend to eat cold meats and cheese....sometimes few crackers(but not too many) cant eat fruit atall...send my levels well over. For my main meal at night I stick to pretty normal stuff....meat and veg type meals.....have found carrot and swede mash is great substitute for too much potato, sweet potato is lower carb than white potato. I can do small portion of pasta....but all of this I can only manage with my insuilin which I inject when I eat.

this is just me though.....have joined a support group for GD and everyone seems to be different...some manage the odd biscuit without it making much difference, some manage to just cut out the actual sugars but seem to manage carbs fine and stay off meds til the end. Thing I have learnt with it all is it does get worse each week you are pregnant...higher the hormones harder to regulate your levels. What was working for me two weeks ago isn't working now. I started on insulin once a day and only 2 units, now need it at lunch and dinner and up to 3 at lunch and 5 at dinner....looks like soon I will need it at breakfast too as this week my breakfast levels have been climbing up.

Also other thing that can be quite confusing is everyone seems to be given different directions by their hospitals. When we all test is different, what our levels should stay below is different.....makes it all just that bit more confusing lol.

It was really hard to start with but I am more used to it now, Been doing it for 12 wks now and only 9 to go so feel I am on the downward slope now if that makes sense. Good luck xxxx

yogi profile image

I'm still trial an error stage seeing what sends my sugars up swapped white bread for brown and whole meal pasta (haven't tried yet) cut out sugar from drinks( tea without sugar yuck) but baby is worth it I've had salad 3 times already this week now introducing meats no crisps or biscuits at all it's the nibbly bits I'm finding hard as I wasn't aware I was grazing so much at work (oops) (I work in the community and the old dears do like to feed and water you lol) x

bumpnumber4 profile image
bumpnumber4 in reply to yogi

Well good luck with it all. If I can help atall feel free to message me. I am far from expert on this but have learnt quite a bit over last 12 wks xxx

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