Hi Everyone, I'll keep this brief... Just wondered for those of you who have had post natal depression, how did you manage going back to work? I feel I'm really struggling ☹️
PND: Hi Everyone, I'll keep this brief... - Pregnancy and Par...

Sorry you are feeling so anxious about the return to work. Very understandable. But more importantly, have you spoken to anyone about your PND? Go and see your GP. They might be able to sign you off for a bit longer to help you mentally prepare for the return. But also because it's important to talk if you are feeling low after having a baby.
I don't think I had any PND myself..other tHan the baby blues and mourning my pregnancy, but I have definitely felt low since having a baby, even though he was my ivf miracle. Pregnancy can bring any issues you have to the fore. Maybe because it's such a shift in your life.
Please talk to someone as you don't have to suffer alone. Hope you feel better soon.
I actually looked forward to going back to work to get away. I had PND, it made me not want to be around my child, my heart would sink every time he cried, I couldn’t bring myself to comfort him. So work was a break for me.
From my experience I can’t really offer help on coping with going back to work. But one thing I can say whole heartedly is COUNSELLING 💗
You can self refer now, it is a massive help. Since seeing a counsellor myself for the loss of my first son then PND with my 2nd I couldn’t recommend anything enough. It gained me the perspective and confidence I needed. To talk to someone impartial who understands is a massive weight off. The waiting time can be fairly long so depending on your financial position you can find non NHS counsellors online in your area. (Ones offering CBT, look for ones approved by the BACP)
You could do as said above and go to your GP and get signed off for a little longer. Give yourself the time you need x
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Everyone has been so kind and supportive on this site that I thought I would reach out for some advice. Not sure why it's all coming out now but for some reason after infertility treatment and a very traumatic birth which left me unwell for a long time (still under gynaecology 10 months on) I think my emotions are all over the place and so going back to a stressful job has been difficult. I have a GP appointment in 2 weeks to chat things through. I did wonder about counselling, I'm a private person and do find talking about things difficult but maybe having someone impartial to listen would be of some benefit. Thanks so much xxx
I have had a very similar journey, without the traumatic delivery. I never thought I would feel as low as I have done considering I now have everything I wanted now my lb is here and I am so lucky to have such a happy, beautiful, healthy baby. I know what you mean about mourning your pregnancy, I loved being pregnant and miss it, feel like I was never pregnant now when I look back. The treatment before hand is also a bit of a blur. My HV picked up that I was not myself and encouraged me to ho to the GP. They have both been so supportive and really nice and I dont know what I would have done without them. I am now taking something to help, didnt want to and felt a failure initially but they have helped so much. It is night and day from how I did feel, alot is down to the medication. I have spoken to my HV a little of some of the feelings I have had as dont want to burden her but it has really helped. I dont like talking either so do not fancy counselling or talking therapy. I would def see your GP and be open about trying medication if they suggest it. It is only for a short time and will hopefully help as you adjust to being back at work. Def try to be as honest as you can with your GP or contact your HV mine have felt more like friends at times rather than professionsls. As my GP said, too many woman suffer and dont seek help due to confidence issues and stigma surrounding mental health. Good luck, it will get better.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I've really struggled to rationalise why I've been feeling so low as we've been so very lucky. The birth was very traumatic, and I had a large postpartum haemorrhage which resulted in me being very unwell. This had a major impact on my ability to breastfeed etc and in all honesty, whilst our care up until the birth was absolutely faultless, I do feel let down with my postnatal care. I have since changed GP surgeries and feel much more supported but after speaking with the Health Visitors which is what was recommended to me, they said that they don't have any capacity to see me as they are struggling with lack of resources. I feel I've gone backwards rather then forwards. I will speak with my GP at my appointment. I hope you are doing okay xxx
My GP said that fertility treatment, trauma during labour and family history are all risk factors for PND and they increase the chance of getting it. She explained it to me all around hormone imbalances since pregnancy while made me feel better about it. That is disappointing about HV, mine has been fab regarding breast feeding difficulties, stopping breast feeding and then PND. She offered to help refer me for talking therapy or to talk to the GP about that but I dont want that. She has been great and has done extra phone calls and visits to help me. It is a shame you have not had the same experience. I hope you find your new GP helpful. I have been so lucky to come across my GP, she is so nice and understanding. Hope you get on ok at your appointment. X
I'm pleased you have had good support from the Health Visitors, and your GP. It's just unfortunate that in my area the resources seem to be very low but my GP is lovely and I do feel able to open up to her. Thanks again, it's really reassuring to chat with others who have been through similar experiences. Take care 😘