Hi all
My c-section was booked for this Thursday 25th. We've already had the date changed once, but this has been in the planner for over a month. My sister and other half have made arrangements to be there all day with me.
I had a call from the hospital saying it was no longer convenient for my consultant to do Thursday and she needed to move it earlier to Wed (as she anticipated I would be difficult and have problems due to previous laps and she's the only one who could deal with it.
I'm booked to have steriods on Tue and Wed (to help the baby breathe as born early) and a pre-op booked for Wednesday which is now the day she wants me to come in.
As my sister and partner may not be able to be there on Wed, can I insist on keeping to Thursday and taking whoever is available for a c-section rather than this consultant, or can I change to another hospital. Just wanting to know my rights, as my midwife is now on annual leave and I've nobody left to ask. I no longer have any faith in her. We had a meeting last week and she couldn't wait to get me and my partner out of the room, also she never mentioned any poss of changing dates etc.
Thank you all, just sooooo upset. Still waiting for car seat to arrive Wednesday and they then said little one may be kept in anyhow.