Ive had no sickness only symptoms is tender breasts bloating weeing more and hinger had a couple of headaches and tiredness has kicked in this week i worry as had no sickness and will be a while until scan just want to know all is okay
7+3 weeks pregnant: Ive had no sickness... - Pregnancy and Par...
7+3 weeks pregnant

you wont always get sickness..... some people have it all the way through pregnancy others dont get it at all..... I didnt have it with my first baby but with my second I had it really bad..... you might be the lucky one and not get it at all xx
It's totally fine. I didn't get any sickness throughout my whole pregnancy. I might of had slight nauseous feeling after nap around 2months for a week but that went within seconds. I just suffered with extremely sore boobs lol and all my symptoms went at 10wks for a few days. Your body is gonna go through a lot so try not to worry. Congratulations xx
Hey red, I’m the same as you 9 weeks, no sickness, had nausea, bloating and tiredness, but sickness is yet to appear, I’ve asked every I know and on here, my sister said she was only sick once with my nephew, my friend said she started her sickness around about now, midwife appointment next week, when is yours? Xx
Hi my first midwife appointment is 19th june if you dont mind me asking where are you from? Have you had any lower back pain and pains in hips xx
So not long, Staffordshire, I’ve had a few twinges in my back here and there, but I have pain in my hips most days so I wouldn’t notice it xx
You could try ringing the midwife and asking for a sooner appointment to put your mind at ease xx
Sucks don’t it! All I can say is your not the only one, try not to worry too much about it, 10 days will go quicker than you think xx
Does suck hopefully they do think its because ive known for 4 weeks bearly and patiently waiting to tell my daughter its nice to have someone to talk to who is experiencing the samw as me xx
I know yeah, I was worried when I found out as I hadn’t had morning sickness, so I came on here and posted and got quite a few responses from people, made me feel a lot better about it xx
I am on a group on facebook which helped abit i worry over silly things least we may be the lucky ones xx
I wouldn’t say it’s silly, not joined any on fb yet, yeah I don’t like the thought of having morning sickness after what people have told me xx
I am puttong in for an elective c section when i see midwife after my previous labour so many people have hearrd heartbeat already think once know all is good i will relax more xx
I am 8 weeks today thankyou hun xx