I had bad morning sickness and nausea at 7 weeks for a few days along with sensitivity to smells and aching boobs, I've had no bleeding just the odd cramp or two but other than that I don't actually feel pregnant! Had an early scan at 6 weeks everything looked good! Has anyone else experienced this?
10 weeks pregnant sudden lack of symp... - Pregnancy and Par...
10 weeks pregnant sudden lack of symptoms!??

My fertility clinic told me that symptoms can start to subside at around 8 weeks as hormones level out. I never really had any symptoms except tiredness and needing the loo a lot but was nice to know this otherwise I would of panicked x
Second hydromermaid.
I was a bag of nerves at 10 weeks my immense symptoms had practically vanished and I was a bundle of nerves before my ten week scan. My little wriggler was fine and my consultant said it's, because the placenta is starting to take over, what will happen now is your symtoms will either come in waves or they'll completly go by around 14 weeks. Its normal hun. Placenta starting to do it's job. Try not to worry easier said than done I know.
Hi, i had absolutely no pregnancy symptoms during my first pregnancy. As my periods were irregular, i didn't actually realise i was pregnant until about 7 weeks. Really dont worry about the lack of symptoms, each pregnancy is different.
My symptoms waxed and waned ... I'd have a few good days and instead of enjoying it I'd.l be worrying like you! But it's normal.
My symptoms completely went at 14 weeks! I panicked so much but everything was fine 😁.
My friend didn't know she was pregnant until she was 21 weeks pregnant as she had no symptoms at all. She only found out she was pregnant because she went for a routine kidney scan.
Try not to worry 😁 xx
Yes I have, don’t worry I think it’s really common. You might be one of the lucky ones or it might come back
I'm pretty sure the exact same happened to me at 10 weeks. Was freaking out and couldn't wait for 12 week scan. All was fine. Try not to worry - easier said than done - and hope all progresses well with your pregnancy!
It is normal cramp, but good if you are vomiting. You early scan showing everything fine I would say don’t worry. Try to relax and take it easy. I know it is hard to wait for next scan. Hope all goes well through pregnancy for you.
As the ladies have said every pregnancy is so different! I Had really bad morning sickness for about 12 weeks at least then it stopped then retuned at about 30 weeks for a few days every morning and I I smelt or saw meat! (Am veggie) I also did not find out till quite late and thought the sickness was down to stress of a new job and travel. I showed no other signs of pregnancy and you could not visibly tell until around 28 weeks as I had actually lost weight due to sickness and being active with job so don’t worry!! Take as best care of yourself as possible plenty of water rest, good food, vitamins and no stress please! All the best! Xx