Hi mummys
I’m sorry to come back again with my story but this is the only place where I can talk about it “to someone” really...
My breastfeeding looks ok, baby is taking weight but not enough so we adjust the frequency to every 2hours and try other position. So sweet as my LB seems to understood the conversation with the HV because he straight woke up every 2h max... except during the night sometimes 3h 🥰.
Hubby is now sleeping in the sofa since few days blaming me because he said “he doesn’t want to disturb me since I don’t want to be touched”.. The truth is that he can’t stop to hugs and kisses at all so he prefer not to give me any affection to avoid a “NO” when it goes further. This is affecting me because I need love hugs and support from my hubby and I don’t get it.
Also he is reproaching me to be in a bubble with my LB and I don’t take care of the 2 olders and him and the house. Which is wrong as I am the one who wakes up in the morning to prepare my kids for school (after almost no sleep more than an hour every 2hours ! ) and the one who is handling everything regarding school (since always) making sure hot meals are paid, uniforms and homework etc... and spending all my time with them. And I don’t complain about that since I love being mum.
Regarding the household, well I’m doing what I can when I can, with the help of the kids ... as I’m trying to recovering still ! And his words are making me cry and hurt me a lot as it’s not fair. And he is doing things that hurt me on purpose “to make me react” as he said... because he knows I’m a very sensitive woman 😞.
And before having baby3 he changed positively and radically so I finally decided to have baby 3... and I don’t regret at all and I’m grateful my LB is here since I always wanted a third child.
Now I’m thinking of ending this because our relationship issue is not new... he always makes me feel so down when he’s not getting enough sex or affection from me. But I’m not a robot !!! we always argue so he through me such bad words and comments that I lost confidence In myself and in him! ... I stayed for the children and because I fight to make things works but now I’m tired and don’t want to suffer anymore, but I feel so bad and selfish to be the one who break the family ... and feel like I failed after 13 years wedding and 3 children! I was always supporting him, handle the family when he always quite his job when something is not going as he likes (and I have the pressure to keep mine no matter what happens in my work) so above all that we are struggling financially because of him.
I’m a fighter and usually a strong woman but now I’m sinking and get lost.
Thank you for reading all this long story 😘