24 weeks!: I can't believe it, or maybe... - Pregnancy and Par...

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24 weeks!

60 Replies

I can't believe it, or maybe I can now start to believe it. We are at 24 weeks! Yayayayayay. My seesaw of emotions, the overarching anxiety etc is now starting to tilt towards actually allowing myself to get excited and not an equal amount of scared at the same time.

Woo hoo! We have made it to 6 months.

According to one app, we are now the size of a GI Joe or a Puffin. Think I am choosing the puffin!

Still no idea about birthing plan or names. Maybe we will start to think about that more now. Oh, and off to have a gander in mothercare.

Euphoria, delight, happiness, daring to day dream about when we finally get to meet our little puffin. Just a little sliver of anxiety still, but for now I am enjoying reaching this amazing milestone.

Have a brilliant day all xxx 😘😘

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60 Replies
HollieW profile image

A lovely milestone to reach! You are well over half way now 😊 xx

in reply to HollieW

Thank you. Yes, can't believe it xx

Noobs profile image

Brilliant! You can now finally start relaxing! I’ve got 5 weeks to go and I still can’t believe this is happening to me. I keep going into the nursery and smiling. Never thought I’d get here but here we both are with little miracles😀xx

in reply to Noobs

It's amazing isn't it? We haven't started on the nursery yet but I have it all planned in my head. X

JulieOcean2 profile image

Aww how exciting! Know exactly how u feel I am 35 weeks and feel incredibly lucky and delighted every week 😊 xx

in reply to JulieOcean2

Its strangely surreal after all this time isn't it? Xx

Kempton profile image

Good for you! Enjoy! You're not alone though, the fear never totally disappeared until I was holding my little one on my chest after birth.

Treat yourself to some baby bits from mothercare :)

in reply to Kempton

On my way now xx

ALLY81 profile image

Lovely you have every reason to let yourself get excited it's exciting getting to the milestones take care xxxx

in reply to ALLY81

Thank you. It really is x

That’s fantastic hun! You can now begin to enjoy it! Good luck 😘

in reply to

Thank you. Daring to dream x

Masha111 profile image

Im so happy for you. Things will only get better now. Wait till you start buying for nursery and clothes. You are gona love it. Join the mothercare parenting club for extra discounts. Sign yourself up to the expectant parent evenings with them too. Enjoy xxxx

in reply to Masha111

Thank you. Lots to do xx

Paris1771 profile image

Yohooo😍😍😍Im sooo happy for u! Forget about any stress dear! Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy! Looking forward to see your beautiful puffin’s picture! Sending u lots of love and hugs! xxxxxx

in reply to Paris1771

Awww thank you so much xx

Dreamingofbaby profile image

Ahh that so amazing. Always hard to curb the anxiety but reck that amazing progress and hopefully pretty safe that u will meet ur lil puffin now ☺️ u enjoy every moment hun that so awesome. Really hope I get to this point and beyond too🤞. Take care and enjoy mother care xx

in reply to Dreamingofbaby

You definitely will. Thank you so much xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Wow, it's going so fast isn't it!! Enjoy a bit of shopping and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!!

in reply to MissSaoPaulo

Thank you xx

My app says 22-24 weeks is the size an aubergine 🍆 or Maltese puppy 🐶 or fruit pie 🥧. Im so happy your pregnancy is going well you can start to feel at ease to buy baby stuff paint the nursery etc

in reply to

Getting there. It's funny what all the different apps say isn't it x

kirstyblue profile image

I’m so happy for you! Enjoy your baby shopping 👶 Best feeling in the world isn’t it! Il be 22 weeks on Thursday. Crazy how quick it’s going! X

in reply to kirstyblue

It really is amazing xx

Lovefood1984 profile image

Yaaayyy!!! I like you felt a lot better at 24 weeks, time to get shopping 😀 (trust me when I say you won’t feel like it later on 😂 I don’t know how people leave it late) x

in reply to Lovefood1984

Well we went to mothercare earlier and the queue was all round the shop. So we had to leave. Another time... but we will get sorted soon x

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to

Was there some good deals or something? I can’t remember ever queuing when I went in for stuff (probably why they were struggling 😂) Never mind, if you at least had a look at some stuff it’s a start, pram shopping feels like a minefield x

in reply to Lovefood1984

It is closing so they have up to 80% off stuff

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to

Oooo it might be worth me checking out my local one then as it is closing too 🤔 I went in after Christmas (not because it was closing) but the offers were pants then, I would of thought they would have just moved stock around rather than lose money selling it off in those stores but hey ho x

in reply to Lovefood1984

Apparently they have moved stock in to get rid. There are loads of toys, clothes, prams, car seats, baby baths. There were monitors etc the last time I was in but none today. X

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to

Oooo the clothes and toys might be of interest, I got given a love2shop card for her so I could use that. I was a bit organised and got my monitor when I was about 30 weeks pregnant as I had some vouchers to use, still not used it yet given she’s in our room and I go to bed at the same time. If she does another night with just 1 bottle I might crack it open so I can watch ‘Tales of Grindlewald’ with my husband tomorrow night 😀 x

in reply to Lovefood1984

Good luck. Ours is due to shut end of March but they said it might be earlier - just when they run out of stock x

Lovefood1984 profile image
Lovefood1984 in reply to

Went shopping so thanks for the heads up. Wasn’t many toys so just got a present for a 5 year olds party we are going to in April but got some cute baby shoes for very cheap and a couple of items of clothing. They also had pregnancare liquid cheap etc so well worth a look I think even if you only get a few bits x

in reply to Lovefood1984

Need to try to get there then. Any discount saves money x

Novice_knitter profile image

Congratulations on reaching this milestone -so pleased for you 😊

On a personal note - I’m now 8+6 and find the anxiety can be so hard at times - terrified of MC or missed MC. Do you have any tips for managing this as it sounds like you’ve been going through it yourself. Xxx

in reply to Novice_knitter

Thank you. Something clicked in my head one day where I just realised that this will be me for the rest of my life. Whilst I couldn't get rid of the anxiety, I knew I had to learn how to deal with it. I plan to be worried forever.

We had an anembryonic pregnancy last year so getting to 6 weeks and seeing something in the sac was a huge step forward. Then at 8 weeks, with my second scan, seeing the blob looking more like a baby shape helped more. However, I really found the scans caused me more anxiety and sleepless nights than the relief they gave. I decided that worrying is not going to change whatever the outcome might be and so I just had to take each day as it came and slowly but surely, over the last 24 weeks, the see-saw of anxiety to excitement has tipped towards the excitement stage.

I hope you get to find your way of coping. Celebrate each moment. No point in worrying about what might or might not be.

Big hugs and I am looking forward to hearing about your journey developing xxx

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

Thank you so much - that’s really kind and what you say makes so much sense. I need to start telling myself that & hopefully get my own mind to click into that way of thinking 😘 xxx

in reply to Novice_knitter

Oh, I also looked at the stats for success rates. They change pretty quickly at the start. For me with my age and circumstance for example it was up at 97.7% by 12 weeks and didn't change much after that. That certainly helped. X

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

Thank you so much - I’ll look now! 🙈 xx

Ajplus1 profile image

Congratulations on reaching the 6 month mark. This is amazing hun. So happy for you!! Enjoy your trip to the shop! Xx

I think you are going to be an amazing mommy, you are so kind and have been so supportive to us ladies and give great advice,all great traits for a mommy in the making xxx

in reply to

Thank you so much Claire, you brought a tear to me eye. I really hope you get your dream soon. Xxx😘

in reply to

Your very welcome, you were one of the first people I started speaking to on here and you've always really helped me. I will keep going, success stories are what keep me going xxx

in reply to

You will get there. You have great strength and determination. This is a great place for us all to be there for each other xx

chrissie_81 profile image

Yay!! Such an incredible feeling!! 24 weeks/6 months!! Lots of love to you and your little puffin! (that's so cute btw!!) 😍 xxx

in reply to chrissie_81

Isn't it. Wish I could take the credit ha ha. Thank you xx

Mantaray75 profile image

Fantastic that you've reached this milestone. Week by week it will seem more real. Saying that I'm still finding it weird at nearly 38 weeks! Was repacking my hospital bag yesterday and still couldn't believe it. x

in reply to Mantaray75

Yes, I will have to get onto all that. Xx

Masha111 profile image
Masha111 in reply to Mantaray75

Hiya. How are you getting on at 38 wks. U waddling? Do you have a nice tidy bump? Do you mind me asking what you gave packed in your hospital pack? Im 28 weeks. 10 weeks behind you. Ive almost finished the nursery. Just need to put the crib and buggy together and pack my hospital pack.

precioce profile image

I remember being at this stage and also letting myself do a bit of shopping. It was magical. Enjoy your time. Xx p.s. Mothercare have a sale on right now!

in reply to precioce

Thank you. We went to mothercare yesterday but the queue was out the door (the one near us is closing). X

Delighted for you ❤❤❤

in reply to

Thank you

Awww so lovely to hear your excitement and know you’re able to start enjoying the experience more.

I’m 2 weeks behind you (22weeks today) although only have my ‘20 week scan’ this Friday. Hoping i’ll be able to relax in to it all a bit more once I know all shows as ok. I know i’m still in denial as had it in my head I was closer to 5 months still 😂 All seems so strange still.

Although not an IVF baby (that was the possible next step) it took us a few years to get to this point and it still feels surreal. Not least because i’ve only confidently started to recognise baby’s movements in the last 2 weeks!

Wishing you well with the shopping and last 3 months of your pregnancy 🥰

in reply to

Thank you. And really hope your scan goes well x

6 months already! It’s going so fast! That’s amazing and so glad you are doing so well! Daring to dream at this stage is lovely, it’s when I finally bought some cute baby clothes and believed it really real. Hope the next 3 months treat you just as well xx

in reply to

It feels slow at points and really fast at others. I am looking forward to getting ready. Yippee! X

in reply to

How are you getting on? X

in reply to

I’m 40 +3 now and ready to blow. Flipping between absolute terrifying fear of it all and excitement. But, genuinely hoping the baby makes an appearance soon! X

in reply to

Oh wow, that's amazing. It's so nice to see so many familiar names getting to the end goal. Others just starting to get there. I really wish we could wave a magic wand and get everyone to this place.

So excited to see your arrival announcement xx

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