41 weeks today: Come on little one. We... - Pregnancy and Par...

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41 weeks today

83 Replies

Come on little one. We have been so very patient waiting for you for the past 7 years. We can see you moving around, it feels like you are stretching to come out. I understand you maybe want to make an entrance, be a little French about it (gestation in france is counted as 41 weeks). But mummy, daddy and all your family and friends really want to meet you now.

I have been so very lucky throughout this whole pregnancy, but I think our little bumpy is too comfortable in there. I have tried acupuncture, curry, sex (first time since before transfer - think my husband likes that one) - anyone got any other suggestions to get this wee one moving?


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83 Replies
HollieW profile image

I have been told lots of walking (or as much as you can manage when 41 weeks pregnant!) And using pregnancy ball by sitting on it and rotating. I really hope baby makes an appearance soon!! Xx

in reply toHollieW

Yes! I have a ball and have not really used it as much as I thought I would. Maybe a wee walk to the beach and a roll about (on the ball) today. Will definitely try that. Thank you xx

😬 tmi I both time had sex doggy quite hard and was 3 and 1 day early

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Ha ha. Right. I think I might be too scared to try that. I was tense enough with it as it was. But you never know what point I will get to! Thanks x

Lol it be fine just irritates the cervix like a sweep

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Ahhh, should have mentioned I am quite Victorian in that department... we will see 🤣🤣

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Lol Victorian don’t worry it has to come out one way or another sooner or later hopefully sooner!

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Hopefully it won’t be much longer!! I know the feeling of waiting and it’s not fun but can’t be nice for you in this weather 🥵 xx

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Yes, not too bad here in edinburgh. A pleasant 20ish with intermittent showers. Wish the showers would go away!

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Oh wow that’s a lovely temperature! It’s around 23 already now. I can’t cope as a not pregnant woman 😂 xx

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I am very lucky here. Planning a nice walk along the promenade later. 10 minutes walk to the beach then lovely views / cafes and ice cream available down there. That should do the trick. As long as we can avoid the showers 🤣

in reply to

Sounds lovely. Enjoy it xx

Arya10 profile image

Awwww, c’mon little one everyone is so excited to meet you! It’s not too bad out here!

Sorry, no useful advice, just that whichever way baby comes out it won’t be long!!! xx

in reply toArya10

Very true. One thing we are all good at here is patience! Xx

Arya10 profile image
Arya10 in reply to

Yup, you’re being tested right to the very end. But it’ll be SOOoOo worth it. So excited for you ♥️

in reply toArya10

Yes, and it could happen any moment. Eeeek! X

Masha111 profile image


Just to let you know Haniya made an appearance at 41 weeks. Im sure it will be any day now. All the very best...have been waiting to hear of your news. As someone said above the pregnancy ball. Baby will come when he or she wants to come. Xx

in reply toMasha111

I am on the ball right now x

MissSaoPaulo profile image

Walking, squats, eating dates... all stuff my physio mentioned she tried when hers went over 41 weeks. I did a load of exercises in Pilates yesterday to open the pelvis and help BB fully engage. Don't know if it's worked but she's shifted her bum around from the right side to the left so at least she's kicking me in a different place now!! Keep yourself moving, shift your hips around, might encourage your little one to get moving too. Hope to see an update soon xxx

in reply toMissSaoPaulo

The baby is engaged and has been for a few weeks, my cervix just isn't dropping / doing what it should be doing. I think it's the oxytocin that needs to kick in. That's the love hormone... so I will see what I can do to kick start that x

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to

I wonder if this means it's a 'lazy boy', isn't that the old wives tale? Can't be much longer now though, you must be going mad with waiting! I've just got to the point where it could be any day now, but that also means it could be almost a month away still!!

in reply toMissSaoPaulo

Ha ha. I have thought of that too. I will find out soon I suppose. Xx

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to

Trying to remember what my physio had said about softening the cervix so sent her a quick msg. Apparently eating dates is good and also primrose oil capsules used like a pessary... I don't know if it'll make much difference at this point though. One way or another, not long now xxx

in reply toMissSaoPaulo

Oh thank you. Just on my way to the hospital now x

MissSaoPaulo profile image
MissSaoPaulo in reply to

Wow wow wow. Hope it's quick and easy xxx

I have been wondering how you were getting on & were looking for your update.

I feel your frustration as I went over due with my daughter! We were on egg shells waiting for her arrival we wanted her to be here safe & sound with us this so normal to feel like that especially after such a difficult journey to become pregnant. All parents to be feel like this, My anxiety with my pregnancy didn’t stop until she was here. I was only 4 days overdue but it really dragged! I was surprised as my son came 6 days before my due date! It was only when my midwife booked us to be induced my consultant was insistent that I wouldn’t go passed 12 days post due date. Anyway my midwife thought baby would come soon as a result of “relaxing” knowing we had a date to meet our daughter. She came that night in the early hours 😂 baby’s come when they want to!

My poor mum went 10 days overdue until I came in those days no scans ( unless a medical need) so she thought she wasn’t really pregnant 😂😂😂 they’d tried everything it was a half pint of beer that made me come eventually 😂😂😂

If you can try to relax ( impossible i know) & do some nice things together before baby takes up all the time!!! 😂😍

I hope baby makes an appearance soon & look forward to your birth update. Not long until you get your little family unit 😍 xoxo

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Well we went out for a lovely meal last night. Catching up with some friends today hopefully. I just washed and did my hair this morning.... as it may be a while before I bother doing that again 🤣

All in good time. I do feel like I am relaxed. Just no idea what feelings (physical) to be on the look out for. The ball is very comfortable though. X

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It’s so hard you just can’t wait to meet your baby ( we both really impatient 😂)

With both my labours I lost the mucus plug first & within an hour my contractions started! You just know the baby is on their way! 😍Both labours were crazy quick but intense! My daughter I had a more of a backache labour so the birth pool really helped my back pain. Definitely recommend it if you get back pain in labour.

How long will they allow you to passed due date?

I hope little one comes soon keep us posted ❤️ Wishing you a safe delivery xoxo

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I have had 2 check ups this week and all well. I have volunteered to be induced tomorrow but can change my mind. Hopefully they will have a look and do a sweep. I want to have more time with wee one than waiting around but what will be will be. Never mind all the stats, it's the fact that the wee one is getting bigger every day that is most worry ha ha. Here's hoping to a labour as quick as yours have been x

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Haha yes very true!! I was worried about her size as she was always bigger on growth scans she weighed 7 lbs 11oz on her last growth scan at 38 weeks. My hubbys family have 10lb babies 😳 in the end she weighed 8lbs 14oz at 40 +4 a nice healthy weight but not HUGE 😅 What did baby weigh at last scan?

My midwife said it was totally my decision to have induction but the consultant was insistent no longer than 12 days.

What does your hubby think about induction? See how you feel if there no medical implications do what you feel is right it’s your baby & your choice. xoxo

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Thank you. The last and only estimate I had was at 36 weeks where they thought it was 5lb9oz. Then I learned that my husbands family are also 10lbers.... eeek. Oh well, what will be etc. And usually the estimates are out x

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How are you getting on? Hope you are keeping well xoxo

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Still in induction ward. On the list to go up to labour ward and have my waters broken. Apparently it is very very busy at the moment. I have lost my plug, and had 4 sweeps. That's about it x

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Aww bless you, you’re not having an easy time are you. Hope you are comfortable & you’ve been offered pain relief. But hopefully won’t be too long until you meet your little one. That is the most amazing experience ever & worth everything you’ve been through. I’m so excited for you can’t wait to hear your next update. 🙂All the best wishing you a safe delivery xoxo

in reply to

Thank you. Just really busy here at the moment x

E_05 profile image

Come on little one! When I was induced they told me to walk up and down the stairs - I appreciate not easy but apparently it helps put pressure on the cervix. Hopefully it won’t be long before your announcing baby’s here 🤞🏻x

in reply toE_05

Oooh, I will try that too. Thanks x

Paris1771 profile image

Oh it’s a nice waiting isnt it? Im really happy for u and hope u a great smooth delivery soon! Sending u love and hugs! Xxxxx

in reply toParis1771

It's the best waiting out of all the waits. Knowing that at any moment we might be about to start the last hurdle to meeting the wee miracle. Xx

Paris1771 profile image
Paris1771 in reply to


Kempton profile image

Pineapple and raspberry leaf tea! Not long now. Good luck and looking forward to the next update :)

in reply toKempton

Thank you. Just tried ice cream...

Sorry lovely have no tips for you but was only thinking about you today wandering if I would see a pic of your new addition, I'm so excited for you xx

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Must be close now. If nothing else happens then we will be at the hospital tomorrow. X

in reply to

Well very best of luck xx

Kiedy84 profile image

Hi I don't have any advice but wanted to wish you good luck can't wait to see the update 🤗🤗🤗🥰

in reply toKiedy84

Thank you x

kt_11 profile image

Wishing you the best of luck and looking forward to seeing an update from you soon! xx

in reply tokt_11

Thank you xx

Strawberrychaos profile image

Good luck at the hospital today hun, fingers crossed you will have the baby you have longed for in your arms very very soon xx

in reply toStrawberrychaos

Thank you so much x

jowalk6 profile image

Won't be long now hun. Such an exciting time and long awaited. With my first I was told walking up and down stairs or driving over cobbled or bumpy roads. I ended up being induced. Your time will come hun and you can finally hold your little miracle x

in reply tojowalk6

Yes, I have gone over lots of cobbles. I think they just arrive when they want to. Let's see what today brings xx

Georgielouise profile image

Have you had a sweep?worked for me 3 years ago with my daughter, she was nearly 41weeks and was going to be induced but they tried the sweep first and that night I came into labour. Am pregnant again and due soon. I won't have to wait that long this time as booking in for c section. Good luck....

in reply toGeorgielouise

They tried sweeps 3 times but cervix not low enough x

good luck I hope everything goes well for you xxx

in reply to

Thank you x

Tiffs profile image

Good luck! I was 41+1 when my LO arrived. She too had been engaged for weeks, 2 sweeps later and a fumble under the covers she came fast and furious! Hope all is going well with your induction, exciting few hours ahead xxx

in reply toTiffs

Thank you. Pessary done and I have been sent home. We shall see. Something will happen at some point x

Lou9 profile image

Wishing you loads of luck! Such an exciting time. Xx

in reply toLou9

Thank you x

Loubump profile image

Sending you lots of luck - very exciting times xxxx

Ah bless you Hun, all I can say is they come when they’re ready! But wanted to wish you all the best and don’t worry that beautiful baby will be in your arms before you know it. X

in reply to

Thank you x

ChrisWest1983 profile image

Hope that baby will get moving soon,

So can get all mummy's cuddles and love! ♥️

in reply toChrisWest1983

Thank you x

JDJ23To28AND1-2 profile image

Prayed For You Just Now... seconds ago... hope It helps...

in reply toJDJ23To28AND1-2

Oh wow, thank you so much xx

Novice_knitter profile image

Hope all is going well? Thinking of you! X

in reply toNovice_knitter

Thank you. Nothing happening so far. Had the pessary yesterday eve but they let me home. If nothing else moves I will be back in at 5.30 tonight. I believe the whole induction process can take up to 5 days... here's hoping its quicker x

KJLee profile image
KJLee in reply to

Thinking of you! 🤞🏻

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

5 days!!! Omg!! Hope it goes smoothly for you hun xxx

kt_11 profile image
kt_11 in reply toNovice_knitter

It was 10 days between me having the first pessary and actually giving birth 😳 (this wouldn’t have been allowed to happen if I was already past my due date like Camillage is though).

All the best & hope it goes well. Not long now...!

in reply tokt_11

Oooh, wow. Have had pessary and two gels so far. Luckily, having gone through all the ivf, I am used to people tinkering about down there. But omg the sweep! My cervix is hiding behind the baby's head or something. So it was so sore! X

kt_11 profile image
kt_11 in reply to

I was the same. Been through IVF but the cervical examinations I had during the induction process were so excruciating I needed gas & air for the sweep. I went on to go through the whole labour & birth on just gas & air and TENS and think the sweep was actually a bit worse.

I had 2 pessaries & a gel then the same again before waters were broken and drip started. He came on his due date in the end (with the induction). Now I know his personality I look back and feel like he was waiting on purpose so he could have his own way. He’s a right character! 😂

No matter how things go from now, you know you’re so close to meeting him/her and the main thing is that everyone involved is safe and well. Look forward to seeing an update soon 🤞🏻 xx

in reply tokt_11

Oooh, hadn't thought of gas and air for the sweep. Good tip, thanks x

in reply toNovice_knitter

Thanks. Not a lot happening yet, although they have finally this morning managed to give me a sweep. X

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

I hope you’re at least comfortable - and maybe v v excited??!!

I’m 26 weeks, getting induced at 40 weeks due to having IVF (unless baby gets the ball rolling themselves that is!!!). It’s a real insight to hear how long it can take for things to get moving! Xxx

in reply toNovice_knitter

Yes, I hadn't really appreciated that timeline thing. Hope you get going before they start interfering! X

Novice_knitter profile image
Novice_knitter in reply to

Haha - me too!! Come on Baby Camillage! Xx

kmruiz6 profile image

hi sweetie. im sure you had baby by now how are you, update

in reply tokmruiz6

Hello, yes totally. I did an update but to the other group, sorry. After a week of failed induction at the hospital we had a csection. Baby Angus was born at 11.28am last Thursday. He has a very healthy appetite and we got home the very next day. The teams at the hospital were amazing and all so lovely.

We are totally smitten with our wee boy and he is keeping us right at each turn.


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