I've posted a couple of times regarding me bleeding from 13+ weeks. It hasn't stopped and I am now 16+6 days I was in hospital Saturday and they sent me down for a scan as I was losing clots. I had the scan baby is fine the heartbeat visable but under the sac I have a bleed they said it will should not affect the baby but there is a very small chance of miscarrage. The consultant said this is probably not the case as I have carried baby so long. This has obviously kept me anxious. Has anyone else had the same issue in pregnancy
Bleed found: I've posted a couple of... - Pregnancy and Par...
Bleed found

Sorry that sounds like a stressful time for you. I had bleeding earlier on in my pregnancy (weeks 5/6) and it's so hard not to worry. Great to hear baby's heartbeat is all good and the consultant thinks things look positive given how far along you are. Really hope the bleeding stops soon so you can relax xx
Hi I had the blood clot from the start of pregnancy I am now 12 weeks and will have a scan on Friday to confirm if it is gone now. It is very scary as you are bleeding and you just never know until the next scan. When I seen specialist he said to me it is quite common and most of the time body absorb and there is no hard to the baby. He also told me the bigger the baby the lower the risk so try not to worry to much. If they haven’t offered that to you I would ask them for regular scans (every two weeks) until it goes away to give you peace of mind and to monitor the size etc. I am sure all will be ok.
I had three bleeds, one behind sac, and one either side, mine didn’t go until I were 20 weeks, dr told me they just got absorbed. Hope this helps.
I had a clot below the sac too and was bleeding from week 6 till around 19 weeks- 20 week scan showed it had been absorbed.
It’s very nerve wracking but I was also told it is very common. Xxx
Thank you everyone. I am 18+2 & 4days bleed free so am I hoping this will be the end of it. Thank you for all your reassuring comments back. Looking forward to seeing baby on our 20 week scan