Went to midwife yesterday for 34wk check and she mentioned I'm measuring 2 weeks behind but they don't worry till 3weeks behind. I mentioned I keep taking period like cramps and she said I should really contact Triage when this happens I had said that I thought best the wait till this apt but I got the feeling it was a case of don't leave things like that but don't tell me either just tell Triage now I'm confused as to what to do after being at apt I read notes as I actually got a print out this time which I haven't had since 20wks and it showed last month I was measuring 1.5wks behind but they told me I was spot on so trust for midwife has gone out the window. This is baby number two growth scan at 27wks showed waist of baby 1wk behind now just a tad worried this hasn't caught up. Anyone else have this?
34weeks pregnant measuring 32 having ... - Pregnancy and Par...
34weeks pregnant measuring 32 having period pains

They can never get measurements right is never 100 percent but I understand you worries I was massive and they said I was measuring 40 weeks at 33 weeks and my baby was going to be 11 pounds and she was 6 days late and 7 pound 2 lol they also said on scans that my water levels were fine but baby was submerged in loads of water all come out when she came out she was to low down and blocked everything hope this reassures you slightly but if your worried go to triage for peace of mind I find gp midwifes are a tad useless and ignore a lot

I would agree 😂
Ohh the campus could also be Braxton hicks or a grown spurt for baby

Feels like both 😆 thanks everyone helps to talk it out!
At 34 weeks you're probably going through the joys of braxton hicks. It's good to have them as it's everything getting well practiced before the main event! I was also going through weekly growth scans as they said I was measuring small (my belly just stopped growing) and I had a healthy 8lb baby. The sonographer told me I'd have a 9lb plus baby so they all got it wrong.
I hope you're able to enjoy the last few weeks of pregnancy.
Becca x

Thanks your probably right I had Braxton hicks with my first I just don't remember them being to sore/uncomfortable but the heat probably isn't helping!
Bless you I bet it's really tough in this heat! Keep your feet up! Mine was born in February so I dodged this heatwave (although I do have a very cranky 4 month old who doesn't like the heat herself). Roll on a thunderstorm!
Funny that the thunder storm has arrived here in East Lothian in Scotland!
Just probably as you sent post I'm currently in hospital been monitored and had a speculum test which is ment to predicted if I'll go into labour within the next 7days then they said it does have a high false positive rate.
I reckon this is all just a false alarm but a very sore and uncomfortable one been having painful tightening contractions all day which have become regular since 3pm today but so far cervix closed so 10mins till results are back then it'll be back home to bed!
When I had my 30 weeks appointment my consultant said my baby looks small. He booked me for IUGR I had scan at 32 weeks my baby is normal in size. I give birth at 35 weeks via EMC because of cord prolapse he's 2770grms. Don't get stress,your getting there only few weeks to wait😊
Thanks 😆