At my last appointment with d doc yesterday, baby's position is breech. I've been worried since then though doc said she may turn to the right position before delivery. I just can't get it off my mind tho. Anyone in this situation or suggestions? I'm 30 weeks gone.
Baby's position: At my last appointment... - Pregnancy and Par...
Baby's position

I am sure one of my friends went into the clinic for some attempts at turning the baby. They may try that if they can? Xx
They won’t worry or do anything until your 36/37 weeks there’s still plenty of time for the baby to move around. When my little girl was breech nothing was acted on until 37 weeks xx
My baby didn’t move till around 30 weeks. My midwife said they don’t worry about breech till around 34 weeks and they can try to turn babies who are breech from about 36 weeks.
Mine was the wrong way round until 32 weeks, I wouldn’t worry yet x
My little boy was still breech at 34 weeks. He finally turned round by 36 weeks. They told me that they wouldn't try to turn him until 36/37 weeks. Even then you don't have to agree to it.
My friend had a breech birth and her daughter was fine :). Try not to worry x
My daughter was breech they wouldn't turn her but there were other factors behind that. Had an elective c section. A friend of mine hers was breech and turned last minute. They are all different, I honestly wouldn't worry.
Thanks everyone.
My baby was breech at 30 weeks to about 34 weeks and now I’m 36 weeks and he’s head down so there’s still a lot of time for your baby to move position!
My baby was breech throughout my pregnancy, I had an attempt at 36 weeks to turn him (ECV) I couldn't tolerate this so was unsuccessful. Baby was born vaginally at 40+2 weeks bottom down. So even of baby remains breech you can still have the birth you want. There is an amazing facebook page to follow called breech birth UK.