I had sex 5 days ago and the condom broke, I have not been taking my contraceptive pill correctly so I went to get the morning after pill. I was told I would have a bleed within these 5 days and was told to start taking my contraceptive pill again today but I am worried that I may be pregnant. Please help.
Am I pregnant?: I had sex 5 days ago... - Pregnancy and Par...
Am I pregnant?
Unfortunately we don't know the answer to this so maybe make an appointment with your doctor and see what they say. It's too early to tell after 5 days. But if you took the morning after pull within the 72hrs it says you should be fine to start taking your contraceptive pills again unless you want to be pregnant then you'll have to wait a couple of weeks and do a test.
Wait 3 weeks (from date of intercouse( and take a test. Unfortunately no method is 100% effective. Although it does make it less likely if you took the morning after pill within 72 hours.
Possibly...will need to test?
If you took the morning after pill within 72 hours then you should not be pregnant your body may be confused but maybe wait a few weeks and then test a test if nothing has happened