Me and my partner have been trying for a few weeks but for the past week or so ive been feeling exhausted and the past 2 days ive had stomach cramps and today started feeling sick? Is it quite likely i could be pregnant already? I havent missed a period yet i dont think but quite unsure as i havent been off the pill long and they stopped me from having any periods at all. Also went for a wee and 2 small spots of blood were there after i wiped?? Any feedback will be appreciated. Thanks.
Am i pregnant...?: Me and my partner... - Pregnancy and Par...
Am i pregnant...?

It's unlikely (although possible) to fall pregnant straight away. Usually odd symptoms are due to hormone fluctuations while your body sorts itself out having come off the pill.
If you're already trying, just make sure you've started taking folic acid and that you've adjusted your diet as a precaution - there's loads of information on getting pregnant on the NHS website
It's usually 4-6 weeks before you get your period, so I'd suggest eating and drinking as through you are pregnant (just to be safe), but wait another two weeks before testing (if negative, wait another two weeks before testing again). Difficult to wait, I know, but testing before a missed period will only give you a negative result, but without any certainty.
All the best
R x
Thank you for your reply.
I did have a bit of a bleed about 2 weeks after i came off the pill was just a bit lighter than my normal period. And I've been off he pill about 5 weeks now anyway.
Today ive just felt even worse. Feeling even more sick and belly ache is still there. its driving me mad. Can't even fasten my jeans today "/
Really don't want to wait another 2 weeks before testing lol. My days drag as it is x
Well there is no harm in testing as it had been 5 weeks since you came off the pill, but if you do get a negative result, wait every 5-7 days to test again...also don't spend all your money on expensive brands...I recommend cheap asda own brand 2hr for about 4ever pound are as reputable as the more expensive types.
Good luck for a positive result xxx
I got pregnant straight after coming off the pill, so it is possible. The dr just told me it was not recommended as it does take your body a few months to get back to normal, and can lead to miscarriage, which it did in my case. However a few months later I'm pregnant again, so hopefully things will go well this time. Good luck, x
Thank you redjnr and rachel. im hoping this one doesnt result in miscarriage as i have already suffered from 2 and im only 21.
Was due to have fertility tests after the second miscarriage at 18 but me and the ex had a massive argument the night before my second bloods were due to be took so i didnt go. Ruined it for me more than him though x