At 8 weeks is it normal to have cash cramping and slightly bleeding here and there?
Worried. : At 8 weeks is it normal to... - Pregnancy and Par...

Yes it's completely normal as most of the time it's implant bleeding. The cramping might be due to being pregnant as your body is always stretching to make room for the wee one. But I would still see the midwife if any more concerns
Hi Hun I would ring epu to checked out or contact midwife and explain to her.
Every woman is different but just to be on the safe side . Xx
Hey darling congrats
As sisi said contact your local EPU or go into A&E and have yourself checked. I had slight bleeding from 6 weeks and was diagnosed with a high risk pregnancy (hopefully won’t be your case) but as we are all different and have different symptoms it’s better than a professional check that everything is in order.
Implant bleeding only happens around the time of your period not at 8 weeks pregnant.
Will keep my fingers crossed for you.
How did you get on hun ? Xx