Felt Like crap this morning am really stressed have a bad headache and noticed that baby hasn't really moved much today will move if I prod him about but sluggish today should I ring triage or wait till later?
Bit worried: Felt Like crap this... - Pregnancy and Par...
Bit worried
Try lying down and eating something sweet or drinking something cold to get baby wriggling. If that doesnt do the trick, don't panic but give them a quick call. My midwife said that they never want to hear "baby's movements haven't been normal for 3 days", they'd much rather hear "baby has been slower than normal this morning" and be able to catch any problems early - or reassure you that there is no problem early.
I'm sure there's nothing wrong at all, he/she has probably changed position or is just being lazy
I'd give triage a call! Probably just one of those off days but they know best, May just get you in for a while on the monitor to be sure! X
Ring triage - a bad headache should be looked at in terms of BP and proteinuria... Better safe than sorry xxx
Had a cap nap still feel a bit headachey but feels more like tension head. Forgot to tell them about the headache but they just said do the usual drink 2 glasses of really cold water and lay on left side he has moved 10 times now just over in 40 mins but still not like his usual active self he would be going mad off that usually def quieter today
Yh I'm having a quieter moving baby day. Just been to midwife for an appointment and she's sending me to hospital to go on the monitor

Glad things are ok. If your headache doesn't settle with rehydration I would give them a call back x
hi, i would phone & get checked out, itl put ur mind at rest, x
Getting the kids picked up then will prob go...head still doesn't feel right
Blood Pressure is fine trace of protein but baby is moving fine now thank goodness still got headache and feel exhausted so straight to bed for me thanks for advice girls xx

Good! Glad to hear all is ok. Has the headache gone? Did you have a blood test too for PET? Given you had a trace of protein, when are you next having your BP and urine checked? If you end up self monitoring, remember if the big number (systolic) is above 140, or the little number (diastolic) is above 90, you need to be seen in Mat Triage ASAP... I became hypertensive literally overnight, no symptoms at all. So glad I had the nurses at work checking it regularly!
No they didn't take my bloods but I feel rough today really faint. .. headache has gone but can't stand for long as keep coming over funny I'm taking the kids out in a mo... had to cancel the cab twice hope I dint keel over! But gotta get these boys out they are driving me mad and have so looked forward to going today
Make sure you look after yourself xxx