So after an anxious few weeks I had a scan at 6+4 yesterday and saw my baby’s heartbeat ❤️ So amazing. They told me I’m in fact 7+2 which is really confusing, it’s 6+4 since the first day of my last period, so I can’t have been pregnant before that? I understand taking date back to last period but before it? Maybe the baby is just growing fast?
Confused!: So after an anxious few... - Pregnancy and Par...
I wouldn’t worry too much about dates just yet. They are only going by the size etc... you will get a more accurate measurement at your dating scan at around 12 weeks.
Congratulations 😆👍🏼
I wouldn't worry too much either. I had a scan at 7w5d & the baby measured bang on. Another scan at 9w5d they said he measured 9 weeks then at 11w5d he measured 12w1d. He continued to measure 2 days ahead at the dating scan too. X
Like the others have said they just measure the size and use this to ‘date’ the pregnancy. At my dating scan baby measured 14 weeks at 13+3 and I had IVF so there was no question about dates! Must just be growing well. Congratulations!😊
As above like kt_11 I had IVF so no question about when implantation happened and I also measured ahead at early stages. Nothing to worry about 🙂 xxx
Sounds like it’s a regular thing... can you tell I’m new to this? 😂 Thanks all for explaining