Hi guys im using the flo app x how accurate is it? According to the app i ovulated on the 12th of july so i shud be currently 9 days after ovulation now? When should i test??
Using flo app: Hi guys im using the flo... - Pregnancy and Par...
Using flo app

I'm not sure how accurate it is hun. But if I was you I'd leave it another 5 days and test. What's going on with your periods now? Xx
I wouldn't say it a bang on hun. I used Flo and it didn't exactly add up to around conception. It wasn't far off but not entirely accurate xx
I used it and took ovulation tests each day, I actually ovulated a couple of days after it predicts so updated that in the app so the following month it was more accurate. As it happens I didn't need to following month as we conceived that cycle.
For the next baby I wouldn't use it again, just buy 50 ovulation test strips off Amazon for a few quid and do them once a day until you get a positive.
What do you log in apart from periods?
If you're just logging periods it will not be reliable useless you have regular periods and medication induced periods are not a normal period and might not necessarily produce ovulation as usual periods