Hi I’ll be 12w on Sunday I have my scan the following Wednesday which is exciting but last time I started bleeding at exactly 12w I keep telling myself it’ll be ok but every time I go to the toilet I’m petrified I’m going to see blood. I’ll be devastated if at the scan there’s only a sac again I don’t think my partner will handle very well either. Someone I kno was having her mc at the same time as me in Nov and she had just had another one. It’s so sad
Nearly 12weeks : Hi I’ll be 12w on... - Pregnancy and Par...
Nearly 12weeks
Aw I know how you feel. It’s a horrible and worrying time waiting for that scan. Hope it all goes well for you xx
🤞🏻😘 xxxx
Aw hun I understand how anxious and scared your feeling, I’m 16 weeks now and I’m still checking my tissue and scared of every stitch or ache I get.
When I went to have my scan for this pregnancy I told my partner and the midwife that I’m going to close my eyes as I didn’t want to see the screen and if all looked ok then for them to tell me or my partner to tap my hand, I was petrified as I thought I was going to get that horrible news I got last year at my scan with the twins and my scan person was a man and he was horrible.
To be honest I think no matter seeing the baby wiggling away we still worry for the following months ahead. I’m worried now about my scan next month , I am trying to enjoy this pregnancy as I’m blessed with conceiving again and being a mum but so scared, I’ve not bought anything yet either scared to jinx anything but I know I need to relax. Your not on your own Hunni and I wish you the very best xxx
Yes the scan itself is nerve racking the last one because I was at the epu she didnt show me the screen and then told me the bad news after a good look around. I want them to tell me straight away I feel sick just thinking about it.

I totally understand hun , this time around I was told straight away but the last pregnancy they looked around then left me got another lady and then told me, I was with my 15 year old too which I felt so bad for her too.
I’m still thinking the worst now hun it’s horrible I keep myself busy most days and say my prayers at night xx
I completely understand your anxiety- it is such a scary and nerve-wracking time following a miscarriage. I also had a miscarriage in November, and the days and weeks leading up to it I was an anxious mess, terrified of receiving the worst news.
I told the sonographer how nervous I was and she was very quick to tell me everything was looking ok and pointing out the baby's heartbeat.
I'm now nearly 29 weeks pregnant. The anxiety never truly leaves, but it gets easier with each week that passes.
The very best of luck with your scan. Try to take each day at a time, and continue to look after yourself.
Sending lots of love for next week.xxx
Thank you x
Ive just had mc at 8 weeks had 4 innpastd it normal to feel panicked if going toilet thinkg going see red i did same honestly try think positive drl inbetween my losses i have 3 boys x
I know it's hard, but think positive. Speak life and health and wellness and everything else you want for your baby. Place your hand on your tummy and say, "you will live and not die. You will be healthy, strong, beautiful or handsome, normal in every way and you shall live. I love you and I can't wait to see you so just hold on for mommy." They grow ears very early so it's always good to start positive speaking and so forth by week 6 as that's when the ears start to come out. You will be fine love. And so will your baby. You just have to believe it.

Aw that’s a lovely saying. I will say this to my little one xx