Not related breastfeeding. Who can delivery method ventouse. How long it took you recover. My stitches are desloved but it can quite painful sometimes specially when sitting and breastfeeding it’s been 3 weeks for me. Any tips will great help
Ventouse delivery method : Not related... - Pregnancy and Par...
Ventouse delivery method

I had ventouse with my first I was cut and tore not a pleasant birth. It does take a while for your stitches to heal and recover so look after yourself.

Definitely it’s nit pleasant experience. Stitches healed but got swolling it will take time to go away.
I never looked it when I had stitches in tbh just felt awful and sore I was actually frightened to see the damage lol
I’m 5 weeks PP after ventouse and still not completely recovered. Last couple of days I’ve had pain from my cut again and it looks quite sore. Have to remember that it was a big thing that was done to your body- take some time to recover properly and have snuggles with little one. Don’t forget to do pelvic floor, my midwife was telling me constantly that they helpnwith the healing.
And congratulations on little one.
I'm 6 months postnatal. I had episiotomy, ventouse and 3rd degree tear. I'm still in pain, mainly due to being stitched too much. I'm likely to need more surgery
I found perineal oil in warm water helped. Also put water or which hazel onto maternity pad and freeze before use ( use a clean pad underneath too)