Hi, I am trying to get pregnant soon, but I don't want a December baby, I'd like a January baby, but going by the calculation I have been seeing online if I get pregnant ds month, it'll be a January baby and I've also heard that most times the first pregnancy doesn't stay up to 40weeks which makes it a December baby, pls What can I do?
Delivery Date: Hi, I am trying to get... - Pregnancy and Par...
Delivery Date

Unfortunately most people don't get pregnant or give birth on demand. Its naive to assume you're going to get pregnant straight away and babies can be born from as early as 24 weeks and survive. If you don't want a December baby then wait a good six months before trying, or maybe just stop getting hung up on the month its born in and focus on whether you just want a healthy baby?
My daughters due date was 11th January, born on 25th. I'm pretty sure we conceived around 20th April & I found out I was pregnant on 10th may.
But as said, we don't really get a choice- it happens when it happens xx
It happens when it happens be greatful if it happens so many ppl can't get pregnant these days being so caught up about the month you would like a child is expecting too much. Just let mother nature take it's course. By the way I was due in December born in January there is no way to determine when a baby is born. X
Lol I’m trying to avoid January both my kids birthdays are in Jan 12 & 23 but I’d rather just get pregnant now been trying since my miscarriage in Nov than not at all. I think summers a nice time if you can hit on but like all previous comments can’t pick and choose, might take a while.
Thanks everyone, I get it now.
So when I started trying I assumed it would take a few months - I conceived straight away so was all set for a may baby. Then I had a missed miscarriage. When I started trying again I thought it would have been a fluke first time and would take several months, but again I conceived first month trying again, not holding my breath until my scan Monday but this one could be an October/November baby. You really can’t predict what will happen, you could have any kinds of complications that you might not plan for. So it’s probably best not to set your expectations for a specific month and just hope for a happy healthy pregnancy and baby! If you’re worried then count 40 weeks from your LMP and that would be your due date, if it falls in December then wait a month 🤷🏼♀️
Hope all goes well for you at your scan and congratulations on becoming pregnant xx
What's wrong with December anyways? My first was born in December (due November) ... both mine were 6 days late... but as said above ... babies come when they want to come not when you will it!
My daughter was due Christmas morning but she decided to come late and was born on 3.01. Even if you get pregnant now and everything goes by your plans, babies tend to have their own.