I am almost 20 weeks and I'm not showing at all it is my first pregnancy and i have small anyway and I have always struggled to put on weight, is it normal to still not be showing of should i be worried ?
BUMP: I am almost 20 weeks and I'm not... - Pregnancy and Par...

With your first you don't always show until later on hun. I started showing at 19 weeks but our boy was a big baby. My friend didn't start showing until 25 weeks xx
I didnt show with my first until 21 weeks then i shot out, your abdomen muscles dont tend to relax as much in a first pregnancy, im on my 3rd and im 18 weeks and look further ahead but thats because my muscles remember moving, especially as my second is only 16 months old
I don’t put on a lot of weight when pregnant don’t really show much til about 7/8 months. But will see with this pregnancy #3
I'm 31 weeks, my bump feels huge to me now, but it's not really, I can still fit in some of my pre-pregancy. The rest of me hasn't changed. My bump became obvious at about 24/25weeks. It's really obvious now. Everyone is different, but I got impatient waiting for it to be obvious, then I literally popped out over night.
My bump didn’t show until 25+ weeks. Took a long time to look like a bump and not chub! It’ll pop and start getting in your way before you know it 😁
Hi I wouldn’t worry as long as you are taking your vitamins eating regularly and plenty of water not much more you can do. I didn’t show till about 34 weeks properly as is my first (2 days over still not here!) Everyone was really shocked how small I stayed. The midwife will also do growth scans when your further along and if you measure above or below the guidelines will discuss next steps. Every woman carries differently - enjoy the beautiful journey 😊 x
I didn't show until 27 weeks (I was size 6 gym goer) I then suddenly expanded in the last month (but bump was still tiny). My baby was a healthy 7lb 11oz.
My waters were broken and only a trickle of fluid came out. Your bump might be small due to strong muscles, not excessive water retention or not having excessive fat. Don't worry and enjoy it. If there is a problem your midwife will let you know x