Hello fam, so my last period was 1st Mar and on 9th April did a preggie test and was positive. I have done many test just to be sure. 25th May my hubby and I went for a dating Scan, my bladder was emptied before the scan. The sonographer couldn't see anything so they opted for transvaginal ultrasound which I did. They could see pregnancy but unknown location. They said maybe I'm wrong with the dates or it's too early. They did blood test and urine and today I'm going for another blood test so they can monitor the growth of the foetus. I was 12weeks on 24th May and this is really hard times for me. Has anyone experience this before? Please help me here...
Dating Scan couldn't reveal any fetal... - Pregnancy and Par...
Dating Scan couldn't reveal any fetal movement @ 12weeks! Please help

You might have gotten pregnant later than you think. My periods are not very regular and with both my pregnancies I went for dating scans and it turned out I wasn't as far into pregnancy than I thought. If you are in uk they will do another scan in few weeks if your pregnancy hormones are increasing. All you can do at this time is take care of yourself and hope.

Thanks a lot Zane. I went for a second blood test on Sunday and my hcg count had increased up to 4000+ so I'm going next week again for another scan. However my weight has been increasing. My weight on 1st May visit at Midwife was 79kg and 25th May at the hospital my weight was 83.4kg. It was a bit worrisome honestly considering this is our very first. Thank God for all the sisters here and the positivity.
Dont worry too much about your weight. Some scales have +/-2kg range and it varies due to floor type and level of it. If you want to track your weight you should weigh yourself once a week (no more than that ) at home putting scale on the same hard surface at the same time of day, let's say first thing on morning before eating or drinking. Persons weight varies due to amount of food and water you have consumed the day so tracking your weight every Fay is not advised.
Your period could of been implantation bleeding hun. I had implantation bleeding and thought it was my normal period which is why I didn't think I was pregnant xx
Hello Major thanks a lot. I thought the same as well cuz it was a light pink vaginal discharge and lasted for three days. Then I guess from March till now I should have been 3months and ongoing but not in confused. My tummy keeps growing and I'm getting heavier as well.
You may have ovulated later than usual so may be less than 12 weeks pregnant. It may also be possible that you have an ectopic pregnancy or may be miscarrying. I had no movement then miscarried. Hopefully you will be ok xx
When I went for the blood test for Friday and Sunday, it showed a fetal movement with an increased hcg increased so not miscarriage. All same I emptied my bladder before the scan m and that could have been the reason why... But I'm going for a new scan so fingers crossed.... I think if it was ectopic they would have detected that?
They likely would have known it was ectopic by now, did they give you an estimated gestation I went for my 12 week scan to find out i was 2 weeks behind went back in 2 weeks and i was only a week and 3 days behind what i thought i should have been, I know when my periods were so i must have ovulated late, but ive never been regular so its possible.
I would say that the fact that they put the pregnancy down as an unknown location suggests that it could be ectopic, are you having any pains? I think a lot of people ovulate later than they realise, which could put your dates out. I think there is also a possibility that it's a missed miscarriage, I think sometimes your hormone levels can continue to rise even if the foetus isn't growing anymore because your body hasn't realised yet. Really hope you get the news you want when you go back for your next scan. Positive thoughts and lots of looking after yourself. In the meantime, if you have any pain or bleeding call the hospital straight away.

I sometimes have ligament pains around the abdomen and sometimes a very subtle pain in the tummy. I'm not bleeding nor fainting.
Hello Kate thanks a lot. After the scan since I had emptied my bladder so they only couldn't see anything but after the vaginal ultrasound, they said it might be that I'm not as far as I think I am since my periods are not regular. The blood test only showed normal hcg increment as I was put under 48hours observation. Its quite disturbing when at this point I'm not exactly sure how far I am although from my last period, I would be 13weeks this Thursday.
I was exactly the same o thought I knew for sure my dates did with my second after having a miscarriage. But turned out I was wrong. I went for a 12 week scan to be told o was only ten weeksand 3 days and to come back in 2 weeks by the time I went back I should have 12 and 3 days but I was 13 weeks. Small measurements are a bit iffy it's only a rough estimationwhich is why your due date can change. The problem with having irregular periods like me and you is we don't tend to ovulate on a set day in our cycle so while we might think we ovulate on day 14 it might not have been till day 23 if it was going to be a longer cycle. That's what happened to me I must have ovulated late in my cycle this time.
Oh Lord.. These irregular periods thing can be a bit annoying and confusing smh. I always date when I ovulate or when I have my period and since last year my period has been regular. Its a bit frustrating you are pregnant but don't know 2xact how many weeks. When I used the clear blue on the 9th April I discovered I was pregnant, it's read 2-4 weeks, what did that mean? I read the chart and it meant I was 5 weeks pregnant. The following week when I uses clear blue again, it read 1~2 weeks so I guess the clear doesn't give reliable results either
So so confused
Clear blue dating ones arent reliable many midwives hate them as they use hormone levels to tell how far gone, I always have really high HCG levels theyve always checked to see if im having multiples early due to high hormones and extreme morning sickness. Only real thing to do is wait and go for blood results to see if HCG is still rising if it is theyll book you in for another scan
Hi can I ask why you emptied your bladder when going for scan? they tell you to have a full bladder. What actually could they see? I had a 12 week scan where I had a blighted ovum where the sac keeps growing but baby had stopped at 6 weeks, I was miscarrying. They asked if there could be a chance the dates are wrong but they knew by looking really, they said come back in 2 weeks and they'd scan me again.

I got sent to empty mine half the time as a full bladder was stopping them seeing properly half the time, i just make sure mine isnt completely empty but i cant make sure its full as i have a really weak bladder so i cant sit in waiting room with a full bladder without risking weeing when i sneeze
lol I know what u mean if they’re running late and you’ve arrived bursting already. I just go with a bottle of water and a normal to empty bladder as I continuously need a wee

Haha I drank water before we left home and when we got there... Bladder was already fully full. Hahaha so I had to just let go

I asked my midwife about this a while ago and a full bladder is quite an old school theory as it obscures the view more than helping and they always asked you to come in with as near an empty bladder as you can.
Help family this is just a update. So we found out from the scan that we are 5weeks and seeing that little heartbeat is L. I. F. E. Thank God and bless you all fam.
So happy all went well and you seen your little beanie baby , all the best for you xx