I did a urine test which came out faint positive and a blood test also positive but scan did not see anything ....should I be worried,they told me to come back in 2 weeks time.who has experienced this before?
Nothing seen on ultrasound: I did a... - Pregnancy and Par...
Nothing seen on ultrasound
How many weeks pregnant do you think you are? You may not see anything of it is an early scan before 5 weeks.
If there is nothing on the ultrasound you may have experienced a chemical pregnancy tommys.org/pregnancy-inform...
I did ultrasound on 13dpo that is 4 weeks pregnancy with no pregnancy symptoms
Hi, nothing was seen when I had my scan at 4 weeks although a pregnancy test and blood test confirmed that I was pregnant so try not to worry.x
Have you had rising bhcg tests 2 days apart?
4 weeks is very early.
Following an ectopic, the scanned me at 3 weeks 6 days and warned me that they’d probably not see anything. We were able to see ‘something’ but the gynaecologist was surprised and said it’s unusual.
Hard to say but don’t worry, in 2 weeks (which I know will feel like a lifetime!) you’ll probably be back and see a tiny heart beat beating.
Usually that’s why they don’t scan before 6w very little point as there’s nothing to see. At your next scan you might be able to see yolk sac and heartbeat but even at 6w there might not be a heartbeat. Try not to worry x
Why I'm worried is that I don't have any pregnancy symptoms...
I usually don’t have loads of symptoms either only sore boobs. Hopefully everything will be ok
Finger crossed
hey yes
my bloods at 4+3 were 1197 at 5+1 they were 11096 scan at 5+3 only saw a black hole, went back at 7+2 and Jack was there. He's now 18 months old.
ps. I had no symptoms other than period like ones. They kicked in about 9 weeks.
Were you having a pregnancy symptoms then,cos I'm not having any symptoms
It could be that your earlier than you first thought .
But yes I’ve been through this . When I had it it was called a blighted ovum where my body hadn’t recognised a pregnancy so didn’t continue on with it. I had a missed miscarriage . It may not be the situation for you though .
Lots of love and hope you get the news you want to hear xx