Today I went to doctor and found out I’m apparently 10w5d pregnant. My expected due date is 12/11/2018, which puts my conception Date at 3/20/2018! However, I’m still insecure and unsure about my conception. My boyfriend and I broke up, I slept with my ex/child’s father on 3/08/2018 but he didn’t do the deed inside of me! My period is also extremely irregular due to PCOS and last period was 3/1/2018-3/3/2018. But the shortness also made me think it could of been implantation bleeding. I’m so frustrated with the possibility of the fact that I could be unsure! Could the dates be off? It’s a twelve day difference? Should I be stressing or is the conception date seem pretty accurate?
Conception Date: Today I went to doctor... - Pregnancy and Par...
Conception Date

Predicted due dates are done using a 28 day menstrual cycle if your cycle differs from that then it won't be accurate. If your cycle is irregular then it definitely won't be accurate so unless you took an ovulation test that month, then the only dating that can be done is from the growth scan.
You are aware that even if a man doesn't ejaculate sperm is released in his pre-cum? Also sperm can live inside you for up to 5 days? And that you can get pregnant on your period if you ovulate then?
So unfortunately the only way you can confirm who the father is, is by having a paternity test.
We thought i was so far when we went for first scan i was over 2 week behind it then when i went back two weeks later i had caught up a bit as well. If your periods are irregular its actually hard to say exactly how far gone you are until they can measure at around 12 weeks. mine are completely irregular but im convinced im a week or two further than what they think but the scans are what they will go by once youve had your dating scan they will adjust your estimated due date
If you slept with two different people in the same month then only a DNA test is reliable especially if you're irregular... also ultrasound scan dates are no calculated on conception but last menstrual period so circa two weeks before conception. And as point out you can still get pregnant if the deed is not finished
I’m sorry to be a bore why oh why weren’t you using contraception having sex with 2 blokes? Am all up for having fun times but you’re in a pickle now.