I have a bit of a weird one and can't seem to find an answer online. Basically, in August my period was due around the 14th but it didn't turn up, I took a couple of tests the week after, all negative. 2 weeks later (1st September) I got my period and then this month (1st October counting 4 weeks afternoon new date) it didn't turn up again, did a test and I'm pregnant. I'm assuming I'm now 5 weeks pregnant but could it be possible I was pregnant the first time but too early to tell?
Pregnancy due date?: I have a bit of a... - Pregnancy and Par...
Pregnancy due date?

Yes it could well possibly be that you were testing early and you could be further gone. Some people do get periods through pregnancy. Youve just got to wait till a scan now to actually find out how far gone you are. Congratulations
Dont forget to come back and let us know how far gone!
I found this pregnancy calculator the most helpful when I found out I was pregnant.
Congratulations and good luck
If you test using a clearblue digital test it tells you how many weeks pregnant you are so no need to wait for your scan!!

Thank you, they only test up to 3 weeks though so anything more it just says 3+ anyway will just have to be patient and wait for scan!
Technically it tells you how many weeks from conception then you add two weeks to get roughly how far along you are.
I know but I'm at least 5 weeks so it shows 3+ anyway
Did the calculator help?
No sorry, it doesn't take into account things like that, only a guess guide.
Take things into consideration like what? Everyone only ever has a guesstimation of when you conceived, no worries thought it might help with seeing when you might have conceived and whether you had unprotected sex 2+/- either side.
Good luck
Did you find out if you're expecting?
Aww congrats, did you have blood work in the end to confirm your pregnancy?