Hi what would my due date be of 23rd October is the only night anything happened? Thanks
Due date of conception: Hi what would... - Pregnancy and Par...
Due date of conception

They'd give you an estimate date bit they wouldn't give you an actual date until your 12 week scan. Counting the 9 months and admit would work out July time x
except they date afull term pregnancy at 40 weeks not nine months xx
There are calculators online in which they give you a rough estimate xx
Have you seen a doctor yet? If you think you conceived in October you should have had your 12 week scan by now where they would have told you your due date.
No didn't have a scan till the march witch they said I was 12-5 weeks and due September 5th but had her August 20th but only can be from 23 October or 15th November had a 3 day bleed November and in December was they due date right or was they wrong by 6 weeks..
Their due date was right you know that you can deliver 2 weeks either way you've delivered 2 weeks early that's all. Plus remember they go by your lmp to date they are always 2 weeks ahead sounds like it's all right to me. Whys it bothering you now when you've already had your child I'm guessing is safe and well xxx
That's night in October something bad happened witch I tried dealing with myself.. I met my now partner November but didn't do anything till the 15th November I had 3 day bleed in November and again in December I didn't have one in the January so I took a test was positive I was over the moon had my 12 week scan in March and was given September but was born August 20 weighing 5lb 11oz. I had 4 scan in all just to watch her weight as she was bit on small side and nothing was mentioned when she was born or anything but I overheard my friend saying she bleed when she was pregnant I started to panic and think could it be from that night and they and I got it all wrong I've done a few online dates but it just gives me July I don't know if it's my anxiety or what happen to me but I just wanted someone's else's opinion could it be or not it means I was nearly 19 weeks at my 12 week scan and they let me go over buy 4 weeks plus more given her due date was September.. xx
From what iv read hun. I believe your conception is the November 15 the one of you conceived then your due date was around the right time you can be either side if the scale by two weeks. I'm pretty sure you conceived in November but to be sure do a DNA hun. I can totally get what tour going through but racking your brains like this is no good your not going to get a definite answer. My mum didn't know who my dad was she didn't even tell me my siblings found out in an argument with her then boyfriend I was 16 at the time she left my dad to bring us up I have only last year at the age of 32 found out who my dad was thankfully it was the man that brought me up. Torture I went through all them years. Do a DNA and put your head to rest hun. 💗
Must be November you conceived October is to early for any dates you we're given.🤗😘 do do DNA to reassure yourself though.
I'm sorry for whatever has gone on if you ever want to chat pm me. Uv been through lots and I'm a good listener 💗🤗😘
From the 15th November to the 22August is bang on 40 weeks. The only thing is when they scanned you in March you was further along the time than when most women get their dating scan, but as you found out in January they'd have gone by your bleed also in December. Sizes of babies vary all the time that's why these things are edd and lmp helps them out also. 💗🤗😘
You probably are 15 weeks pregnant & your due date is 16 August 2018 if your cycle is 28 days long,x