My last period was December 29- January 1 always been 4 days long with a 30 day cycle. Based off my last period my due date should be October Doctor said the baby measured 9 days small and now my date is oct 14. I got my first positive on January 27 when my period was due! I know I didn’t ovulate that late in my cycle, I think I ovulated January 14 based off a very high sex drive. Could she measure small due to me ovulating 4 days later than day 14..also when I changed my due date in my pregnancy app, it tells me I got pregnant on week 2 when I got my positive on this week 2 so I don’t understand at all
Due date question : My last period was... - Pregnancy and Par...
Due date question

Congratulations Hun I’m due the 15th October have very strange periods to. I conceived on and around the 19-22 January apparently confuses me too x babies measure different my baby’s measuring small too but been for scan after scan and the due dates haven’t changed x
Whilst the last period date is the universal measurement for gestation, it only works if you ovulate on the 'normal' point of your cycle, and fertilisation and inplantation happen as expected. I tested ovulation daily through out my cycle so I know when I ovulated exactly. Doctors said baby was measuring a week small so pushed my due date back a week, and then he came a week early, on what I had calculated to be my initial due date. He was 7lb 1oz and is now 10 months old and in the 75th percentile for weight and the 90th for height.
The last period expected due date isnt an exact science, this is why in my opinion, they canet you go two weeks over due, because thats how much off the measurements could be.

Thank you! Yea I have a 30 day cycle and got my positive the day my period was due. Maybe my baby is just small. There’s no way I ovulate that late. I had a high sex drive on CD16 so I assume I ovulated CD16-CD17 and that’s 13-14 dpo if so