Hello I am 27+0 pregnant depending to my 12 week dating scan. Today I had a growth scan the Dr told the weight of the baby is 1159 gr. In the report it is written the baby is 28+0. 1 week bigger than the dating scan. The dr told it is not important you are 27 week the baby is big. I am confused now am I 28 or 27? Does my due date change? Is there anybody who gave birth in this situation?
Due Date and Weight of the Baby - Pregnancy and Par...
Due Date and Weight of the Baby

hi there, I don't think your date will change, baby must just be measuring a little bigger, nothing to worry about,
when I was pregnant with my daughter & my son from 32 weeks I always measured a week or two ahead , my daughter was 2 days early and weighted 10lb 4half and my son was a day late and weighted 10lb 4half.
so maybe your just going to have a big healthy baby
but I wouldn't worry, I would wait till your next appointment to see what you measure. have you got another growth scan?
(my friend always measured big from and her baby was just 6lb so it depends on water and that aswell, they can only tell roughly with growth scan,
I was told they wouldn't change my date from the12 week scan. .. at the 20 week scan if baby looks bigger or smaller they just say smaller than or body than whatever u are but ur dates stay the same x
Hi there, your due date will not alter from your 12 week scan. If your baby is measuring slightly bigger it is not a cause for concern (unless the sonographer has referred you back to your GP) . Realistically due dates are for the benefit of medics, please remember that babies have their own timing; they are never late, they just arrive precisely when they mean to (much like Gandalf the Grey for Bilbo's birthday party in Lord of the Rings). Each pregnancy is unique to the woman so really getting hung up on due dates is a bit pointless really.
Hi there, totally second mamacool - don't worry at all, sizing your baby isn't an exact science and lots of women (especially 1st time when there is no other baby's size to go on) spend a lot of time worrying over a 'big baby' who turns out not to be too big for them to give birth to. Most of the time when you see really big babies being born in the news the mother has got gestational diabetes which hasn't been controlled. Don't worry about your due date either - the baby doesn't know what the date is and will come when s/he is ready - it could be that you did conceive before you thought and baby will come a bit earlier but who knows, sometimes they keep us waiting anyhow! All the best for the rest of your pregnancy.
Its nothing to worry about as being slightly big is better than being too small. With my daughter I went for my 12 week scan basically twelve weeks since my last period and was told I was only actually 8 weeks. I was told to go off the 12 week scan I had four weeks later which said 12 weeks. My daughter was perfect size throughout but actually arrived eight weeks early. She was 4lbs 3oz but based on that and her development the drs told me I was probably 34 weeks when she was born not the 32 my scan indicated. It's always best to stick with the twelve week scan.