On Friday 23rd March we unexpectedly had our rainbow baby, a little girl. We’ve named her Nia Rose. She was born at 33 weeks gestation, still in her amniotic sac, and was 4lb 2oz. She was born via emergency caesarean (she was showing signs of distress and then I had a placental abruption - there was no actual labour!). A complete shock - we are in Watford General Hospital but live in Cardiff!! I wanted to share as I am so proud of her for making it though and being so healthy and she’s progressing every day. She is everything we wished for and we are just besotted! I am doing fine as well and we now concentrating on trying to get her a transfer to Cardiff so we can start to feel a bit more normal again. Xx
Had my little rainbow girl: On Friday... - Pregnancy and Par...
Had my little rainbow girl

Ah congrats! Hope you and baby are doing well! When babies are born in a complete sac they are said to be lucky in life!!
Ah really?! That’s so cute. She has certainly been lucky so far! I’m so glad I listened to advice and went to the hospital as soon as I had signs something was happening. I dread to think what would’ve happened if I’d had the placental abruption when somewhere else! Thank you for your kind words 😊 we are so happy x
Aw huge congratulations to you all. She obviously couldn’t wait to meet you xxx
Congratulations lovely. Hope she's home soon 💗🤗😘
Aw congratulations. Hope you get your transfer soon xx
Congratulations, I hope you get transferred soon. All the best xxx
Congratulations to you my lovely on welcoming your little girl into the world , I hope your both doing well and your able to get transfer soon to settle down xx
Congratulations! Hope you get transferred and settled soon xx
Congrats, I hope everything goes really well for you and baby x
Congratulations! I live 20 minutes from Watford, if you need anything, baby clothes etc, I can drop some off, I haven't packed my son's newborn stuff away yet xx

Thank you, that’s very kind! We are hoping for our transfer today and have arranged for a set of clothes to be available when we get home so we should be ok. At the moment she is still in an incubator and only needs a blanket thankfully. Xx
Glad to hear it. Hope you guys get transferred soon. Xxx
Congratulations hun. Your rainbow after the rain. Hope you get her closer soon. Cherish her as I cherish my rainbow boy. May you and your little girl grow stronger every day. Take care x
Congratulations. Hope you are all doing well. Nia Rose is a beautiful name ❤️
Congrats to you. All the best. Xxx
Oh wow congrats on your little one and well done mummy for keeping her safe I have a few tiny baby baby grows and size 0nappies she may still be to small for these but I live 5mins from Watford hospital so am happy to drop them to you if you need anything please shout, my LO was born there 7weeks ago and in special care for a few days x
Amazing. What a strong little lady!! Congratulations 😍 x x
Congratulations xx nia rose is such a beautiful name ❤