My partner hasn't had a very good upbringing and struggles today with certain aspects in life. His mother remarried and openly told him that she was choosing her new husband over him, and wishes he was never born or was born a girl. He hasn't lived with her since he was 17(she kicked him out) and lives with his 80yr old nan(our place will be ready to move into in April) I'm concerned as she hasn't shown any interest in him, but as soon as I announced I was pregnant she jumped all over me, texting me every day until I blocked her as I thought it would make her contact her son. He hasn't spoken to her for over a week and she text today not asking if he's well but to find out if I'm showing yet..... I can't get my head around this, am I overt thinking..... I've met the woman once and she's already stated that she wants the baby to stay with her for a night..... Erm!
Partners mother cares more for 11wk u... - Pregnancy and Par...
Partners mother cares more for 11wk unborn grandchild than her own son......

Sounds like she's nuts, like my MIL. The first thing she said when she saw my son in hospital, after I'd been through 3 days of labour and an emergency C-section was "when are you having a girl". She didn't even touch him until he was about 3 months.
She sounds like she's really not even worth thinking about, but I am curious what will happen if you have a boy.
Just be there for your partner as much as you can, good luck!
Maybe she has trouble talking to him or communicating with him at all that’s why she messages you.i think you should just see how she acts once baby arrives this may blow over I wouldn’t be concerned unless your partner is he probably knows what she’s like and why she’s acting this way it sounds like they have never been that close
She's not a mother, never wanted children, especially a boy. The reason she messages me (until I blocked her) is because I'm pregnant. My partner isn't concerned but he knows what his mother is like, now I'm pregnant I can't imagine treating my child so coldly. Thank you anyway
I would leave this to your husband to decide what contact he wants with his mother and what access he’s willing to give her to your son. I, like you, wouldn’t allow her to attempt to circumvent him. If she wants a relationship with her grandson then she better start acting somewhat like a mother to her son. Sounds like she treated him awfully from what you’ve said but perhaps the relationship is more complex...x