We are struggling with our daughters sleep habits. She’s 21 months and has some ingrained sleep habits that I believe stem back to when she was a new born. This is quite long as added some background, skip to the last two paragraphs for the crux of the problem.
She suffered quite badly with reflux as a new born. She was diagnosed and prescribed ranitidine at about 10 weeks old, as well as that she’d comfort feed all night so ended up co-sleeping for most of her first 7/8 months of life.
At around 8 months I stared to be able to get her into her cot. She’d feed to fall asleep then I’d manage to get her into her cot in her own room. She’d then wake up once or twice feed back to sleep and then back in her own cot, sometimes into our bed depending on how much she’d been awake during the night. She wouldn’t go to sleep by herself, she’d be hysterical and trying to get out of the cot if put down alone.
She weaned herself at 17 months following our concerting the cot as a result of her not going down and my being up for four hours a night trying to get her back to sleep then down.
We’re not at the point that she will cuddle up in bed with me, or I’m not home her dad, and a 10oz bottle. If I’m home and her dad takes her to bed or if I put her down alone she will break down and we have uncontrollable crying.
Her routine always consists of bath, books then bed. Usually starting at 6:45/7. We struggle to start earlier as we both work and have our dinner before starting this routine. I’m regularly with her until 9pm.
I have no idea how to break this, any suggestions would be amazing!