Hi all, I am around 7 weeks pregnant again after having MMC last year and things feel all different this time. Last time apart from a little nausea and sore boobs it was plain sailing, no reason for concern hence why MMC at 12 week scan was such a blow. This time I had implantation bleeding, then a light brown painless discharge from about 4 weeks til now, it’s now getting a darker brown, like rust colour and I’m getting an odd pain to right of my lower abdomen - not enough to warrant pain killers but it’s noticable. I don’t wan to be the overly panicky type because of past experience but I’m wondering if this is worth getting checked out or perfectly normal?! I am struggling to feel positive about this as, even though it is very much a wanted pregnancy, I just feel like it’s going to end in disappointment again. (Does this make me a terrible person?!)
Spotting in early pregnancy - Pregnancy and Par...
Spotting in early pregnancy

Maybe talk to your GP even if it’s just to alleviate your concerns. They may also refer you to your EPU for a scan
Thanks Laura, I had my booking appointment with midwife yesterday and mentioned it then, she offered to book me into EPU later this week if it would put my mind at rest but at that point it was still pale brown and I desperately don’t want to go back there unless I have to! But you’re right, I think i need to know either way or I’ll just panic until 12 week scan . . .
Definitely get a scan to find out what's happening, stress isn't good for you or the baby.
I had a Mmc with my first pregnancy. In my next pregnancy I had cramping and bleeding (only mild) and so had an early scan. Although I was so worried about going back to the epu it ended up being the best thing as it put my mind at rest (I went on to have a healthy boy). It was nice to see everything was ok. I had to do the same with my third pregnancy as I bled again (again I went on to have a boy). I hope everything is ok xx
Take the scan huni it will help ease your mind. Never feel you are being a pain, they are there to help and are happy to help. A happy mum is a healthy mum.
Let us know how it goes.
Thank you for the advice cjaythom, I was worrying all weekend but just had a Scan at EPC and all is well (so far) - measuring 8 weeks with a good strong heartbeat! Lost the last one at 7 weeks so already doing better, just hope little bean continues to do well. Got my anomaly scan in 3 weeks so just have to keep everything crossed that all stays well until then when I can breathe slightly easier!
Thanks for all your kind words everyone, I have just finished working 3 nightshifts so I will phone the midwives tomorrow and hopefully be seen. I’m so nervous!