Hi ladies I believe I’m going to be 9 weeks on Monday...basically I started getting morning sickness i think roughly at 6 weeks and suddenly for the pass 2 days I have felt absolutely fine! Is it normal for the sickness to stop at this early stage? Because I read online it roughly stops at 13 -14 weeks....I just wanna know is everything ok in there?! Am I further than I think? And has it happened to anyone else? I’m just so worried!
Morning sickness. : Hi ladies I believe... - Pregnancy and Par...
Morning sickness.

Hi newbe96 I'm not really sure if it has stopped but mine can stop for some days n when you think it's settling bang it's back again, I'm 12wks rit now n still hoping for the time I can be sure it's gone, all I can say is enjoy those days when you not sick, I do, every pregnancy is different so enjoy dear, all e best
It’s very normal for symptoms to come and go or be worse some days than others. 13 -14 weeks is just a guide. You might find it comes back or if you’re really lucky not at all. Have you had your first apt with the midwife yet? They are very good at putting your mind at ease so mention it if you can’t shake the worry . X

I was booked in for the 12th of December but they had to cancel because to many midwifes were of sick so now I’m not getting seen to the 4th of January and I’m going to be roughly 12 weeks then! Xx
That’s annoying! You’ll be having your dating scan around then too! The NHS website is a good and reliable source of info in the meantime. I hope the sickness stays away and you have a lovely Christmas! x

I had a letter come through and I got my first scan on the 10th January very excited but scared at the same time! X
Mine stopped for a week about then but came back later. Enjoy feeling human again while it lasts!
Hey, my morning sickness is awful but it can stop for a whole week then come back with a vengeance. Take the opportunity to feel human for a while that’s what I do good luck!
Im 12 weeks and have suffered terribly with morning sickness mine stopped about week 8 but returned at week 9 for another week then went again... i keep getting reminded every woman is different so dont worry if your sickness has stopped enjoy it
Hi morning can be on and off and yes they normally stop around 13-14 weeks but mine did continue till 18 weeks but now I am fine. So everyone is different. Just keep eye what doesn’t suit you. Good luck
Yes it's fine. Is likely that your hormones have settled. Lucky you x