Hola, I’m nearly 16 weeks and I’m still vomiting just about everyday although it is now down to one time a day which is better than all day everyday and I’m not complaining because I know my baby is ok if I’m being sick (if that makes sens) however I have my 16 week check coming up and I just know I’m so underweight but I’m struggling to gain any weight I’ve lost a lot of weight since becoming pregnant because of being sick, I am still eating just don’t seem to be gaining weight. I’m worried my midwife is going to say I’ve lost more weight. Has this happened to anybody else and can you refcomned me some foods to eat? Thank you.
Weight : Hola, I’m nearly 16 weeks and... - Pregnancy and Par...

I've had such bad vomiting too! It started around 7.5 weeks, becoming worse at 8.5 weeks like vomiting all day everyday. Hardly able to keep any food/fluids down.
I've also lost weight, 8 pounds now.
I'm currently 11.3 weeks (by ivf dates) or 12 weeks by my scan measurements, as I had a scan at 10.5 and was measuring 4 days ahead.
Today, I've woken up feeling ok? I haven't been sick since 2pm yesterday and I'm freaking out!!! 😩Hoping everything is ok!!
I didn't really find any foods helped to be honest, I liked to eat jelly and ice poles/ice lollies I think just because they're refreshing.
I don't know how true it is but I read online that they aren't overly concerned about weight gain until 24 weeks? Seems a long time to go without weight gain though so that information I read might not be correct! Xxx
I lost two stone during my first pregnancy (see my first ever post to this forum!) as I was completely off food and so focussed on making sure I was getting fruit and veg down me as a minimum. As I was getting bigger my weight never increased. My midwife was ok with my weight and made no comments. I went down from a size 14 to a size 10 after the baby was born so I wasn’t mega skinny to start with. I would be open with your midwife during your apt. They will support you and help you if they have any concerns. I hope your sickness improves soon! X

Thank you. I’m still eating as normal as I can but it’s not always staying down but I am trying my best with fruit and veg. I am quite thin to start with but I have dropped from just below 9stone to 7 and a half and I literally look like skin and bone with boobs and no bump. I was just worried because at my first app she said if I hadn’t gained weight I’d have to speak to a consultant but it’s not like I’m not eating it’s just either not staying down and I’m not goning xxx
Bless you! It sucks you’re still suffering at 16 weeks! I would be honest with the midwife and see if you can get that consultant apt. Anything to try and make you feel better. It’s nothing you are doing wrong, just a very debilitating symptom you are unfortunately suffering from. Either way, I hope this passes soon so you can begin to enjoy your pregnancy bless you! Good luck lovely x
I would suggest you speak with your midwife/GP and ask for advice. They might prescribe something for the sickness, otherwise you and your baby are at risk of nutrient deficiency and/or dehydration.
I hope you feel better soon.

Thank you. The dr has gave me anti sickness tablets but they’ve don’t work.
They can prescribe something else if you let them know.
It is really normal to loose weight with vomiting in first half of pregnancy and your midwife will understand. I'm 37 weeks and only 2lbs above pre-pregnancy weight due to vomiting and nausea and there is nothing I could of done differently to gain more. Your midwife will only be mentioning seeing a consultant as if your bmi is below a certain level, you need some consultant input. It's not because you are at fault or should have done something differently! I suspect you may have some additional growth scans to check baby is growing well if you have dropped into low bmi category as this can be linked to lower birth weight, though the majority of babies of mums with low bmi's will have completely normal size babies. My baby is above average size despite poor weight gain! Am sure your midwife will offer you some reassurance and tell you how common this is xx
This is good to know Anna! I've had a lot of vomiting, although today is the best it's been for weeks! (Only been sick twice today).
I remember your BFP on the fertility forum, can't believe your 37 weeks now!! Not long to go 🙂 Xxx
Lovely to hear you remember Me! Huge congrats on your bfp. I found the vomiting and nausea the hardest part but you don't want to complain when it's been so long in coming, do you? But am so looking forward to enjoying eating food again when this little bubba comes out! Feels like a dream that I am now 37 weeks! Never thought it would happen. I remember how long those early weeks were waiting for scans and to know all will be ok. Hope it's not going too slowly for you and the nausea settles for you soon xx
Thank you 🙂 Your right, I absolutely hate to complain after such a battle to get our BFP but it has been hard! I didn't expect to feel so rubbish! I've never actually felt sick but would literally vomit up everything I ate, very draining as you will know!
It's been good to have a better day and I'm hoping this is the start of the sickness easing up 🤞🤞
I've had a scan at 7+2 and a private scan at 10+5. Our NHS scan is in a couple of weeks, I feel quite nervous but also excited to see little munchkin again!
Do you know what your having?
My friend tells me that the most plain food tastes out of this world after you've had your baby, I bet it's great after food tasting so rubbish for so long lol xxx
My sickness did improve at 12-14 weeks so hopefully you are past the worst 🤞🤞.
The bean should be out by Christmas so hoping I can enjoy Christmas dinner with all the trimmings 😀. We have gone for a surprise on the sex front! We figured we had waited nearly 4 yrs for our miracle, so another 9 months to find out if it's a boy or girl seemed to make sense! Keep 1 last surprise! Xx
I haven’t got any advice about sickness as I didn’t have any but I have only been weighed at 12 weeks and today at my 28 week appointment. I’m sure she will understand if she does weigh you x