At the end of August I went through a early misscarriage, then, 16th October I took a pregnancy test which said I was 3+ weeks. Concerned it was hormones from the misscarriage I phoned a midwife from a hospital near by asking for some advice, she reassured me and said it’s highly likely to be a new pregnancy, and just to try and relax.
I registered with my local midwife who’s now told me I need to have two blood tests, to be safe and to save any traumas incase it’s hormones from the misscarriage.
Would the hormones still be this strong, I’ve done 3 tests, all at different times, even 8pm and it come back a strong positive, I’ve been feeling sick, been sick a few times! I have no one to talk to as my partner is the less supportive person, Ive not got anyone really at work to speak to, I feel so alone, and now I don’t even know if I really am pregnant, has anyone been through this, or any idea on if it’s a new pregnancy or it’s from the misscarriage! - I honestly don’t know what to do 😨