I’m 18 years old . My concern is I’ve been having crazy pregnancy symptoms but my blood test and pregnancy test both came back negative . The first day of my last period was July 1st and every since then I haven’t had my period . I’ve been nauseous , lower back pain , lower stomach and side pain , one side headaches , my stomach been feeling bloated and I’ve been been really really gassy , cramps and even spottings . I had unprotected sex days after I got off my period . And it’s like it’s stressing me Bacchae my boyfriend don’t think I’m pregnant because of a negative test but I know my body and I can tell when it’s changing . I don’t know if it’s my weight that’s not detecting my hCG hormone levels . I weight 114 . It said it was below 1 . I don’t understand at all . But I do believe I am pregnant . Any advice please ????
Has anyone had a negative blood and p... - Pregnancy and Par...
Has anyone had a negative blood and pregnancy test but you know your pregnant with symptoms ?

Hi, how confusing for you. My understanding is that blood tests are usually reliable, but if you are experiencing a number of changes with your body and are convinced that you are pregnant you may wish to ask for another blood test or maybe a scan for your peace of mind. If you’re far enough along a scan should be able to pick up an embryo if you are actually pregnant. Good luck...x
Have you told a doctor about all of these symptoms? I'll be honest, it sounds like you're not pregnant but I'm not a doctor. You need a gynaecologist appointment and ultrasound.
And what makes you think that ?
Like others have said, the blood test is pretty conclusive and those symptoms could indicate many different conditions, they don't actually sound that typical of early pregnancy.
No need to shout, I didn't say it's 100% full proof. I did say she needs to see a gynaecologist and get an ultrasound.
EDIT: A few years ago I was pregnant and didn't get a positive result until 8 weeks, but the embryo wasn't right and wouldn't live. So I prefer not to get peoples hopes up.
Sweetie just see about an ultrasound, because Trust me im living proof you can still get a negative tests and be pregnant some people hcg dont Rise up there have been women 6 mths pregnant that had negative until than! Dont listen to negativity, People have No idea until they been through it.
Thank you so much . This is basically all I need ❣️Thank you for supporting me and understanding my concern . But where do I go for a ultrasound ?
You need to go to your GP and tell them about all the pain you're experiencing, share your concerns and tell them you want an ultrasound.
Yea but my stomach isn’t big enough for an ultrasound
What do you mean your stomach isn't big enough? You can have an ultrasound at any size and they're not just for pregnancies. I've had lots of ultrasounds for various health issues. If you tell a doctor that you're having a lot of pain, even if they don't think you're pregnant, they should send you to check for cysts or any other problems. Then if you are pregnant it will show up on the screen.
Blood test is usually pretty conclusive
Hi there, my daughter is 23 years old and suffers from hormonal epilepsy and a tipped uterus. Due to her hormone levels being off, her blood and urine tested negative. They told her she definitely was not pregnant. She continued to grow and experience symptoms. They told her it was in her head and that the brain is very powerful. They made her feel completely crazy. She went recently for an ultrasound and they said no baby was found. I ordered a fetal doppler and we were detecting fetal heartbeats at 127 to 135 on 1 side and 149 to 155 on the other. This just made things more confusing. We went back to the doctor and pushed for another ultrasound and she said no way....it was a waste of time. I got involved and said she needs to be checked because if no baby.....what is growing inside of her and moving? Is it a tumor? We were very afraid. Anyways....long story short....they did a transvaginal ultrasound and my daughter is 25 weeks pregnant with twins. Due to her uterus being tipped, they could not see what they needed to see. The doctor is still in shock but is doing everything she can to help her now. She said she will never doubt her again. My daughter knew in her gut literally weeks after conception. She never let anyone beat her into thinking she was crazy. Good luck to you and just know that medicine is science and science is never a perfect surefire thing.
She trust her body . Don’t nobody know her body like she does . I feel like I’m going through the same thing . Like i kno I am I just don’t know why it says negative , I can tell when my body changing and my doctor and everyone else saying I’m crazy or I’m not pregnant
That is exactly right. Nobody knows your own body better than you! She turned out to be right. That is just like you. You know something is off or different. Just wait it out and eventually things will show.....either your body will continue to grow and change or your testing results will change. That is why reading comments from people who think everything is black or white drive me nuts....lol. Things are not always black or white. More and more people are getting negative results and it turns out that they are pregnant. If you google it or research medical write ups online, they attribute these changes to growth hormones in fast food. They are saying that the fast food generation is changing in so many ways. I told my daughter about you and we both wish you the best of luck. If you ever need to talk we are both here for you.
Thank you so much . And I love that someone has the same problem like me and can relate to . So I’m not crazy . My stomach use to be flat now I have a pouch . Like a little lump . I just don’t know how far I am . Like I feel like my body is just processing slowly . How long do you think I should wait .? And since my period is irregular I knwo im suppose to come on in October so if ion come on at all next month that’s another sign that’s official I am pregnant .
If you are that late on your period and you has a blood test and both confirming that there are no pregnancy hormones it is very unlikely that you are pregnant. There are many reasons why you might have not got your period and those also might made you to experiences body changes that make you believe that you are pregnant. The weight doesn’t impact the pregnancy hormones in your urine or blood and via blood test you can pick up pretence very early so if your results were negative this most likely means your are not pregnant. I would recommend to come back to the doctors to conduct further review to understand what is causing your period being so irregular.
Pregnancy symptoms are caused by hormone surge esp progesterone, you need to see your Dr to confirm if you are. If it's not pregnancy there is something else going on which needs investigating. My friend did muĺtiple urine tests all negative but blood test confirmed positive. Bloods are not wrong.
Sometimes they are . I know many people who told me that they blood and pregnancy test was wrong but there were pregnant at the time . They hormones didn’t rise as quickly as others . Everyone body reacts differently to pregnancy . Which may due from irregular periods . Some people couldn’t detect pregnancy until they were 3months or even 5months . Not all people hCG levels double every 48hours .
I'm a midwife, never known bhcg to be wrong. Women get pregnant in between tests for sure. I hope you get your answer soon. All the best.
blood test can be wrong but most time they are right.... defo go back to your gp and see what they say. ... if not try and get a private scan I know it cost but your know then good luck xx