I am 6 weeks pregnant and have this when I wipe. Anyone has this before
Brown bleeding : I am 6 weeks pregnant... - Pregnancy and Par...
Brown bleeding

Bleeding during early pregnancy is normal, but if you're worried see a doctor get an early scan
Can I just say that no bleeding in pregnancy is normal bit here can be causes for it, brown blood is old blood so more than likely implantation bleeding, however if you are worried go to GP or epu xxx
Could be implantation bleed which is normal. Keep eye on it. It's old blood so that's reassuring. Same as all above see midwife or gp if worried.
Please please see your Doctor. I too had this and followed advice on here that it was "normal", unfortunately my baby had died around the six week mark but I didn't seek advice until what would have been my 9th week when the bleeding finally turned a deeper red. I hope yours is just last of implantation bleeding etc but please seek advice, if only to put your own mind at rest. X
I've had 3 miscarriages and if you are miscarrying there is nothing a midwife or gp can do really. Plus it's too early for them to say for definite that what is happening unless it's gets heavier and painful. You will probably get told to keep eye on it or call if it gets worse. Only time will tell. If you get a early scan which I had, they told me baby was fine after several scans but I still miscarried. Unfortunately this early there isn't anything that they can do to stop miscarriage and if you do, its awful but it's likely because it wasn't a healthy pregnancy or placenta didn't attach or many faulty reasons. It's a worrying time and it's hard to be patient but your body will decide what it wants to do. X fingers crossed for you
I had a lot of bleeding on my son from five weeks and it was red and I was in and out to the earmy pregnancy unit a lot but thank God it was nothing and my boy is two now . But I know I was so worried too. Don't stress to much go get checked.
I'm 6 week pregnant and have brown spotting since last week. Sometimes I was yellow colour. No cramping or any pain. I had a USS one week back, there was a small sac inside my uterus. But it was too early to detect heartbeat. This is my 1st pregnancy, and I'm so scared about miscarriage 😩. Anyone has this before
Hi I had this with both my pregnancies, with the first I had a missed miscarriage when I attended my 12 week scan, I didn't get checked as I thought and read everywhere that some spotting was normal. On my second pregnancy I contacted my midwife at 11 weeks as I started spotting, I attended an early pregnant unit scan and baby was there waving and wriggling around. She is now 8 weeks old.
At 6 weeks it may be possible to detect if the pregnancy is viable and if there is a heartbeat so it is worth contacting your midwife, even if they won't be able to prevent you having a miscarriage.
Fingers crossed for you that it is just implantation bleeding and that all is well x
Hi, 17th of November was my period date. I didn't get any period so far! However, I am also getting similar brown discharge since last night which is not at all heavy! What is it? Is it early pregnancy symptom or am I getting my period back? I totally worried as it's gonna be my first pregnancy! Please help me 😞
Having cramps on early pregnancy and seeing a brownish discharge safe
Im currently 6 weeks 6 days rn will be 7 weeks pregnant tomorrow and im having the exact same thing happening to me twice this month just a few days a part tho.
Did you have a miscarriage?? The same thing is happening to me and I’m so worried. I’ve been trying to get pregnant for 10 years and am finally there but now I’ve got this same discharge
Hi I wanted to see if you ended up miss carrying? I am about 5 weeks and experiencing the same thing.
I’m 6 weeks and experience that today
Hi am 5weeks 6days pregnant and I've just started having brown blood just wondering if everything turned out ok for you
Has anyone been ok after this please anyone answer me
I had mostly brown spotting between 6-14 weeks ( but did lose fresh blood with clots at 10 weeks) My daughter is now 13 months old. The midwife said brown spotting isn’t a concern - only if you are having severe abdominal pain with full heavy bleeding is a worry. It is scary to see any blood pregnant . My GP signed me off & told me to rest up xxx
I had both a sad outcome and a good outcome. My first pregnancy I had brown spotting and had a missed miscarriage at my 12 week scan. I then got pregnant again and had brown spotting, I had an early scan and baby was fine, she's now 11 months old. If you're pregnant and bleeding then you should speak to your midwife and they can arrange a scan at your early pregnancy unit to check on you.
How far apart were your pregnancies? I had a missed miscarriage at 5 weeks in June and now I am pregnant again I will be 6 weeks on Sunday. I am now having brown gritty spotting and had an emergency can in which they saw a hematoma adjacent the gestational sac...
I have been reading that a lot of women go full term. The bleed goes and comes but today it was heavier still brown. My cramps hurt everyday , mostly on my left side and left leg. The only pregnancy symptoms I had was sore nipples and they seem to be less sore 😭
I was just wondering how you got on with this? I’m having exactly the same symptoms (inc the pain down leg) and it’s definitely on one side. My discharge is also gritty, and I think I’d be more relaxed but it’s been here for an entire week now. Went to the hospital today but they have said it’s early for me so won’t scan for another week. Going crazy...Hope everything worked out for you xx
Hi, i need help i dont know whether its my period thats late as ive just been put on the implant contraception.. or its pregnancy spotting, the thing is its been like normal blood then brown at the end then when i had sex i was bleeding?? But i have just stopped bleeding to what i think is my period help me thanks x
Or is it a miscarriage?
Probably to do with your implant if you've just had it put in. It has hormones in it that will affect your cycle
If you think you're pregnant do a pregnancy test to double check.
I had the implant like in july beginning of july sort of and i have had belly ache like cramps then nausea but thats it now its just lifht bleedingnnow
Sounds pretty normal for the implant, I've had friends spot with it for months after it's been put in and not have a proper period. I had the mirena coil and had bleeding with that for about 6 weeks after it was inserted and then never bled again and a friend of mine bled for the whole time she was on the mini pill, after about 3 months she had to try something else. It just takes a while to settle down sometimes. If you think it's because you're pregnant, do a test and you'll find out for sure.
I’ve had 2 full term pregnancies no bleeding. My 3rd pregnancy bleeding until 12w then mc, 4th no bleeding until after 12w scan when we were told we’ll mc again, 5th I had brown bleeding one wipe at 6w nothing more until 9w had scan blighted would mc again bled on and off for 3w.
For me bleeding is not normal or a good sign ring your epu they might scan you.
The doctor and midwife said that is normal and it is always happen on the early pregnancy. I am also have the same thing. First time when I noticed the color is brown but now the color turn to dark red. Please see your doctor/midwife as soon as possible. Ask them to do an early scan. I am very afraid something might happen to my baby. I hope you all the best and God Bless .