Hello! I've got my first scan on Friday and I am so nervous!! It's strange because even though you know your pregnant it's still a worry wether you will see anything or not. Did any one else feel like this. I suffer from anxiety anyway so I worry about everything continuously. Im just over 12 weeks now and the sickness is starting to wear off which is great but then I start to worry maybe something's wrong that's why I'm not being sick any more. I know I'm just being silly but it's nice to be able to speak to people who know how I feel x
1st scan nerves : Hello! I've got my... - Pregnancy and Par...
1st scan nerves

I know how you feel. I was the same at my first 12 week scan. I had an early miscarriage before so it sent me into a panic. I also worried that nothing would be there but of course it was and everything was fine! I suffer from anxiety too and I can have irrational thoughts about things being wrong (not just pregnancy related). It's normal to be a bit anxious, especially if it's your first. With my second I was anxious but not as much. Again, everything was fine! Your sickness will start to fade now, that's normal too! Mine suddenly disappeared first time but was more gradual second tme.
Try not to worry about it too much and enjoy it. Easy for me to say but in hindsight I wish I had!
I was exactly the same, so much do that I booked an early scan at 9 weeks as I just couldn't wait any longer to check it was real, happening and everything was ok. Which it was. Sounds like you have all the symptoms and 12 weeks is when sickness is due to stop. I hope the scan provides all the reassurance you hope for and is a magical moment when it all becomes a bit more real. X
exactly the same. Think the worrying never stops you just learn to push it to the back of your mind. I'm due for the 20 week scan on Tuesday Ann's last week i was looking forward to seeing the bub again but i can feel the anxiety and worry starting to creep in.