Hello, I'm 22 weeks pregnant. It's my second pregnancy after 13 years, I don't feel my baby move, is it normal? Or maybe I don't recognise the movents? Many thanks
Don't feel baby move: Hello, I'm 2... - Pregnancy and Par...
Don't feel baby move

I think some people dont feel baby until like 20+ weeks due to position of the placenta, I'm 20 this week and haven't felt anything but friends of mine have earlier and others later so I think there's no exact time to start feeling baby xx
Some people don't feel them move until 25 weeks etc. All babies are different so try not to worry
Thank you
Hi hun. With my last pregnancy i didn't feel anything really until 24 weeks, I got really worried. It was 15 years since my last one. I found out I had an anterior placenta so that wash cushioning the movements. I never felt strong movements throughout but my little man was born perfectly healthy. If you are worried they should be able to tell you at a scan of your placenta is anterior. X
Hello Hun, many thanks. Almost 23 weeks, still no sign of moving. Been on my scan 2 weeks ago, they didn't tell me anything. When I ask, they answer everything fine. So time to wait and see what's going to happen
Hi please don't worry, I had a similar experience in my pregnancy (3 years ago now) to jowalk6 above - it was around 25 weeks when I first felt movements and I learnt at some point that I had an anterior placenta too, which is perfectly fine but occurs less in pregnancies than a posterior placenta.
Your placenta may be at the front which blocks the movements. Mention it to the midwife next time you see her, she may book an extra scan just to check all is well. Every pregnancy is different. You may just have a lazy baby! Some people don't feel movements till much later on... everything will be fine try not to worry! Xx
Try to check your notes, if there is information about placenta. It should be written in sheet from your 20 week scan. If it's not, then try to ask your midwife about it.