Is it normal to not feel your baby move for a day or two?!! I’m freaking out now, I’m used to my baby moving at night and I haven’t felt her since yesterday day.
Not felt baby move : Is it normal to... - Pregnancy and Par...
Not felt baby move
If your babies movements have changed contact your midwife and arrange to go in for a check up.
Changes in movement patterns are normal and depending on how far along you are, there could be movements that you just don’t feel. However, at this point, I’d definitely get it checked out ASAP. You can also try eating or drinking something sweet to see if that makes a difference. Xx
I'd agree as above, go and see your midwife. Might seem daft but if you've had a busy day or 2, you maybe just need to lie down for half an hour and chill, I had this myself at around week 24/25 where I didn't feel anything all day (was christmas shopping!!!) and once I relaxed for a bit I could then feel baby again. But def go and see m/w it'll put your mind at ease x
Go and get it checked ASAP. I would x
Ring your midwife or if she isn’t available yet ring your local hospital midwife/labour unit. If your baby hasn’t moved you should get checked out straight away. I waited 24 hours with reduced movements as worried of being paranoid and wasting time but midwives now a days really want to see you straight away for reduced movement and they told me I should have gone in a lot sooner so please contact them immediately. Probably nothing to worry about but it’s definitely worth getting checked out xx
How far along are you??call your midwife...any change in movement/non movement..get it checked
Definitely call whatever number you’ve been given for this situation and they will advise you the best course of action depending on how far along you are. I called at 32 weeks and they asked me to go in straight away to the hospital. It was all very straightforward, everything was fine and it was clearly just a routine part of their job and very reassuring for me (all was ok).
yea sometimes they are just sleeping,so dont worry unless you feel that your stomach like a stone all the time,then you need to call the doctor right away...
The NHS guidelines state any change in normal movements for your baby you need to get checked ASAP
That's really bad advice and goes against all the NHS guidelines, and the guidance of your midwife. I would hate for you or anyone to follow this advice. Please if your babies movements change and they aren't moving like they normally do get checked out ASAP. Have a look at the count your kicks website for more information.
You should call your maternity care unit and get checked up anytime you are worried even if that is every day. After 26 weeks babies movements should become regular. My little one would sometimes have a half day or day "off" and I got used to it but the point is only you know your babies movements and if you are concerned you need to get checked. No one will be upset you getting checked, any midwife would rather have you checked and put your mind at rest than panicking and stressing out at home. Hope all is well xx
Get seen ASAP!
Thank you ladies for your messages ! I went to triage unit, and they checked baby and she was all good. Back to kicking me at night time :)! The nurse said that sometimes when you have had an extremely busy day she sleeps because it’s like they are being rocked. But yes thank you so much for the advice! Xx