Everyday it comes and goes but at night when i lay down on my back it hurts worse and even wakes me up in the mornings. I have misscarried two two already and not wanting to loose this one. Could it be because i have a bladder infection and not treating it? Some one help im one worried woman.
Sharp pain in my lower abdomen someti... - Pregnancy and Par...
Sharp pain in my lower abdomen sometimes on the left sometimes in the right sometimes in the middle at 9 weeks pregnant.

Pains can be normal, but if you are concerned you probably should see your doctor to get sent for any early ultrasound.
First of all stop worrying as it doesn't help anything and will stress baby out.
Because your in the early stages, it could still be the womb stretching. Early on it my pregnancy I had similar pains... they felt like really bad period pains but they moved from different part of stomach. I remember one night the pain waking me up it was that bad, I legit thought I was dying. I rang 111 and they told me to go to hospital, had a scan everything was fine. And was told it's just stretching.
Everyone is different and each body handles pregnancy differently. The first pregnancy is normally the worst as it's the first time the womb has needed to stretch and unfortunatly isn't as flexbable.
Only you know your body and if you feel something isn't right ring your midwife or 111 or go straight to hospital. Some reassurance from medical experts may help so you could always ring 111 for some advice.
Keep and eye on it and hope all is well xx
Thanks for that it makes me feel better. The thing that worries me is that it feels like im being stabbed in the lower stomach and sometimes its just when i lay on down or when i walk around a lot
I had the same thing when I was about 12-14 weeks, it felt like sharp stabbing pains, like getting a stitch but loads worse! I thought something bad was happening but turns out it was my uterus "stretching" but it sure enough gave me a panic when no one ever told me to expect it! I'm now 4 days until my due date so everything was fine. Good luck with your pregnancy x