Im around 8 to 9 weeks pregnant, I've not been sick at all so the only thing that tells me I'm pregnant is sore boobs and 10 pregnancy tests!!! But I am having bad cramps is that normal because it just really scares me!!
So hard to relax!!!: Im around 8 to... - Pregnancy and Par...
So hard to relax!!!

Hi is this your first because you do get worse stretching pains with your first? It feels like period pain and can be a bit like stabbing pain also but if it's severe to the point you can hardly walk get it checked out. Go to your gp and they will send you to the early pregnancy unit for a scan x

Hiya yeah it's my first and I think that's why I'm just terrified of anything bad happening!! I'm going to meet my midwife next week so if it carries on I can see what she says. Thank you for ur reply it does make me feel better when I hear positive things 😊X
It's totally normal to worry. I have worried every time I have been pregnant but also trust your instincts if something really doesn't feel right get it checked out. x
Worrying is normal! Not everyone has symptoms like sickness so don't panic. I thought I wouldn't worry this time around but I was so anxious until my scan and even now a I am a bit and this is my second! Cramps are normal with your first but as Katie said, if they are severe then get checked.
With my first pregnancy I didn't have any symptoms until I was about 10 weeks I still didn't really suffer I was only tired (but I've always been a napper) and felt icky never sick unless I ate certain foods. Currently 11weeks with my 2nd 8 years later and have had every symptom going from about 2 weeks... enjoy it while it lasts lol but if your really concerned or the pain gets really painful see midwife or doctor. Good luck
I've had hardly any sickness at all with this pregnancy and some days I just didn't feel pregnant in the first term which did concern me also. But with my first 3 the toilet was my best friend I was so ill from sickness! Worrying is so normal with or without all the classic symptoms. Hope the midwife goes well x
I'm with you here, I'm 9 weeks 3 days. I feel like I've had a boob job as my breasts feel rock solid haha and I have had weird and bad cramps too - had some last night. I'm just convincing myself that it's bambino stretching my uterus and I'm not going to worry unless it's agony/stopping me carrying on or accompanied with bleeding. I think it's normal, but this is my first too! Congrats by the way! I've only been sick once in 9 weeks too, just tired.