Hello ladies, I am 28 and have a girl aged 21 months.
Since I stopped breastfeeding her at 4 1/2 months my periods have again become regular.
When I fell pregnant with her I know I ovulated on day 19 of my 34/35 day cycle so since we started to try again I have been focusing on days 17-20.
On Friday morning (first wee of the day) I decided to do a pregnancy test as I was 5 days late with no sign of period symptoms, I was convinced I was pregnant but gutted when test said negative.
I have never missed a period ever or been this late, normally when I think I’ve been pregnant and done a test the same day as I get a negative result I would start my period, but still nothing this month!
I should mention that I started a diet on the 2nd and came off the diet last weekend and in that 17 days lost about 11lbs, and also on the second of this month I started a job (my first in 3 years) so guess I have been stressed/worrying about this, also it’s only 10 hours per week but considering I am overweight I really rush around (I’m a Cleaner of offices) so for 2 hours per night I rush around and sweet, and I am wondering if this is considered (excessive exercise). So there is 3 reason I could miss a period/be late.
So my question is... have anyone on here had a negative test at about 5 weeks and gone on to actually be pregnant? Or do you think I may be late for one of the other reasons mentioned? I keep trying to tell myself that home tests are so accurate that it can’t be wrong, but my heart wants another baby so bad that I just can’t let go of the possibility of being pregnant!
Sorry for ranting and the long post!
Any opinions welcome Rebecca