Ment to be 7 weeks pregnant had an in... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Ment to be 7 weeks pregnant had an internal scan and just sac

Kellyoscarjay profile image
12 Replies

Hi I am after advice I am 6-7 weeks pregnant and have had thrush from the start I bought a pessery last week and placed it in myself, just after I bleed a little but not much , 3 days after had sex and have bleed every day not much it goes pink then red and today it's brown, I panicked on Sunday and went to hospital they did a internal scan which showed a sac well a black dot on the screen no baby, the doctor said I was very early in pregnancy confused I've got to wait 1 wk for an ultra sound to determine what's going on, I'm I miscarrying or is it the lining of my Virgina

Done another pregnancy test and it showed we were 2-3 weeks pregnant does this mean my hormone levels are dropping so showing less weeks pregnant

I don't know my head battered please help

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12 Replies
bellalola profile image

your dates might be a bit out.Also viability scan can't be done until you are 7+ weeks.It is common to bleed a little bit around the date your period is due in early pregnancy.It sounds quite positive if your pregnancy test was still positive although the HCG levels do take a little while to drop off also positive that you have no abdominal pain.Don't insert pessaries with the applicator as this could have scratched the cervix and caused the bleeding and the sex could have aggrevated this.You just have to sit tight and wait for the scan.Lots of people bleed in early pregnancy and then still go onto have a successful pregnancy.Hope this helps

Kellyoscarjay profile image
Kellyoscarjay in reply to bellalola

Hi thanks for your message, I had swab taken last Sunday to determine what fype of thrush I have! I have taken the next few days off work, I'm starting to not feel pregnant my belly is not bloated and my boobs are not sore, I am now it feeling pregnant but I am sad but what's ment for u won't pass me by, I just hope it all goes smoothly and I can become normal again, I shall keep u posted


When was your last actual period? Mine was 18th nov. I also read 1-2 weeks pregnant, officially iv not missed a period as I would have been due sun coming, thats going off a 28 day cycle although mine are generally shorter and not regular ( pretty much the same timescale and result I had with my now 3 y old, think I must ov earlier rather than later ) got my 1st + yesterday after trying for nearly 2 years trying , was told I'm losing my job In Jan , on Fri and found out yesterday were getting a new addition :)

Kellyoscarjay profile image

My last period was due on the 5 nov did pregnancy test then it showed1-2 weeks pregnant did another 5 dec and it said 2-3 weeks pregnant !

My thrush has become worse now and bleeding has become more clotted still not much thow just an egg cup a day ! My stomach has completely gone flat

Congratulations on the new addition and I'm sure things will b ok babies bring with them good luck keep me posted on your exciting news x

Hey, how you getting on?

My symptoms r not the same and not as bad as last time so I'm a bit worried that's not a good sign ! However my + results are getting stronger so that is a good sign!

I did clear blue tests both times 5 days early as I just knew! With my son it read 2-3 weeks at that time, this time 1-2 ! Could just be a day or so difference really, gona get another 2 and c what they say ( just been using dip 1s but coming up stronger ) hopefully it will come up as further along as officially not due till today then I can calm myself down and stop worrying .

Hope your well, and it's just the thrush causing bleed or a water infection or something.

Keep me updated.

Kellyoscarjay profile image

Hi things are worse had to go for another internal scan because bleeding got worse, they told me they think its a miscarrige but to be sure have an ultrasound on tue my hormone levels are 3000 and they told me if I was under 1500 we were miss carrying they also told me because my womb isn't opening it could take 3 weeks, if feel sad and with Xmas on its way 2 of my friends are pregnant I want to hide in a corner until Xmas is over ! Once we get to tue I will be able to move on with my life

in reply to Kellyoscarjay

Aw so sorry to hear that! Its hard being happy for other people having babies when you want 1 so bad esspecially if at 1 time you were all pregnant ! Seeing there's continue... My brother and partner found out they were expecting a surprise baby this time last year my nephew was 5, my niece 18 months and I just thought y can't it be me ? at that point I had been trying for a year! My brother joked my now 3.5 month old neice would b going on ebay when ' it ' was born and if 'it' was a girl he would be running away . Obviously he didn't and she is loved to bits but they got 1 they hadn't tried for or really wanted and I had 2 wait till now for my little pea!

I always think no matter how bad things are that they happen for a reason, maybe it just wasn't the time for your little pea and you have another 1 waiting that needs you more in the near future!

Let me know how you get on tue, I will b thinking of you.

Kellyoscarjay profile image

Thank u for your message, xxxx

in reply to Kellyoscarjay

Hope your ok! Thinking of you .

Kellyoscarjay profile image

Have had another scan which is showed I've got a heamatoma next to sack, they think I've had two and ones died possible they say the sack is still to small and they are unsure of what is happening they think I can either misscarry or not but they can't tell me anything until this afternoon. When my bloods come back if there dropping I'm miscarrying so by the end of today I will know, I've got to go for another scan on 28th dec to determine if fetus is appeared or or just a sack my Christmas of waiting x

Kellyoscarjay profile image

Well it's all over for us, my hormones have dropped so I will b miscarrying in the next 10 days I'm happy I know where I am thank you for your support hope all goes well for u and your pea, I am going to leave trying again for a whole xxxxx

Aw so so sorry to hear that, my heart truly goes out to u :( but as you says at least you know and your not left in limbo.

This year A friend of mine had her 12 week scan, all fine ! So announced pregnancy , then at 17+ weeks at a midwife appointment heartbeat couldn't be detected, scan confirmed no heartbeat and she had to Labour and deliver ! That baby should have been due september ! That same friend is now 30 weeks pregnant and due in March ! I know it's bleak at the min and you need time to grieve but your time will come... I said it to her and ill say it to you good things happen to good people.

I think this little verse is lovely so am passing it on to you :-

" A little flower, lent but not given to bud on earth and bloom in heaven "

Hope the ' heaven ' part doesn't offend in any way.

As for me things seen to be going well, fingers crossed x thank you.

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