I am weaning my daughter but she won't take milk or water out of her sippy cup. How can I get her to have it? Xx
Weaning : I am weaning my daughter but... - Pregnancy and Par...

If you think she'd prefer to drink water or milk out of a bottle "with a teat" then so be it. It's never a good idea to try and force a child to drink out of something which they may not be comfortable with as this will only make it more of a losing battle.
Weaning dosen't automatically mean a baby needs to take every form of liquid through a sippy cup, it's known a suggestion NOT a recommendation.
Have you tried a completely open cup? My daughter would never take a bottle, nor a sippy cup and would drink from nothing but my breast. When we started weaning we gave her water in a completely open cup. The novelty seemed to work for her and she drinks from it really well now at 8 months.
You can get a slanted one called a doidy which can be easier, but we often just use a plastic beaker.
Hope that helps
No will give it a go. Thank you xx
Doidy cups are fab i used it with my son and he was drinking from an open top cup independently at 1yr old x
I have same problem mines 6 and half months I've stopped it will try a month later