Hi everyone.
I haven't really posted much in the last while. I guess life gets away from u when u have a baby to run around after.
First ill give u an update. Erica is 14wks and 4 days old. Shes a much better sleeper and we pretty much have a routine going. Wake up at 7 or 8am, food every 2 hrs and change bum several times until bed at 9pm where we get changed into pjs, have a final bun change and feed then soothed to sleep with a dummy until 10.30pm where we have a very sleepy baby until anywhere between 3 and 5am. Very lucky mommy.
I have found that I'm busier now than ive ever been with mommy groups, soft play, play dates with other babies... its mad!
On one of my arranged play dates for erica the other mommy asked me if I was giving her water yet. I asked y as I am only strictly breastfeeding (apart from a bottle every now and again if I'm not available which is seldom) and she said u have to at this age to lead into weaning. I realised how clueless I am about the whole thing and have no idea what the next steps are. As erica is nearing the 4mth stage, I would like to introduce some baby rice. Do I need to be giving her water now? How much water does she need? How often? I'm freaking out as I really don't know what I should be doing x