Hello ladies today i came to know that i am covid positive. Fear and fatigue. Please give me a good advice what can I do now. Please pray for me and my baby.
Covid positive at 32 weeks pregnant - Pregnancy and Par...
Covid positive at 32 weeks pregnant

Hey there,
I’m sorry to hear this. But I’m sure you will be fine 🙏 have you got any symptoms. Maybe just check with your doctor what to take in case you get a fever.
I just had Covid but I’m only 7 weeks. I’m hoping it’s all good 🙏 I have a scan next week to double check.
But I hardly had any symptoms just a small flu.
Good luck
I have a sore throat and sneezing. 32 weeks pregnant and tired and scared. I don't know what to do.
I had the exact same symptoms. I’m sure you will be fine! But give your doctor a call. I was also super scared and still am. But so many pregnant woman have had Covid and their baby’s were totally fine
Use plenty of pillows stay elevated. Drink plenty of fluids also. If you have mild to severe headaches I used Tylenol to get through it. I was extremely tired and my breathing was completely off. I used some Vic vapor rub, a humidifier, and an asthma pump to help me get through it. It took some time for me to get my taste back. I burnt an orange while inside the peel once finished I added brown sugar to it. It was a process but I made it through and hopefully it won’t have a big impact on your life. Just keep track of the babies movements ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Hi Dilpreet. When my friend had covid in 3rd trimester she contacted her midwife and once she was better and out of isolation period they put a scan in for her just to double check everything . I would give your midwife a call just so they know. X
So sorry! Are you vaccinated? If so, symptoms should stay mild.
I’m 29 weeks pregnant with twins and Covid positive. I have a heavy chest, had a temperature to begin with, sore throat and generally fatigued and feeling unwell. I called the midwife who called me in for blood tests and to check on babies. Babies were fine, happily kicking away. It was more me that was the concern but once they got my heart rate settled and temperature reduced, they let me go with antibiotics and rest at home. I’m D5 now and still unwell but starting to feel better. I’m drinking lots of fluids including lucozade, sleeping elevated, using Vix on my chest, taking paracetamol and generally resting lots! Keep an eye on baby’s movements too, I was asked to watch them and If I am nervous if any changes, to call my midwife immediately.
Lots of rest, you and baby will be okay xxx
So sorry to hear this. How are you feeling now?